– the warranty of highest quality at attractive price
Filtering unit
13 z 16
This activity should be carried out, after the fan is switched off and the device disconnected from the power supply
mains. When the waste container is fastened back to the device, mind that the contact surfaces are clean and the
seal is suitable to the edge between the waste container and the hopper chamber.
7.6 Measures of precautions during the maintenance
The filtering unit must be used according to the present Use and Maintenance Manual and according to the
being in force regulations.
Maintenance steps / activities should be executed by authorised workers after the instructions.
In the course of operational use, be careful that no ignition sources (e.g. sparks, cigarette butts) will get into
the device.
During the emptying of the waste container and during any other activity near the filtering unit, it is important
to wear the antistatic clothes. Put the antistatic pad/rug underneath the waste container.
Directly, at the filtering unit, and in the vicinity
– do not use mobile phones and other devices emitting
electromagnetic waves.
Table No.6
Possible reason
Corrective action
Regeneration runs incorrectly, due
Adjust to obtain the pressure of
to too low pressure of the compres-
0,8 MPa in the system
sed air.
Decrease in the inlet air volume The cleaning time and work time
Adjust the work of micro-controller
after the period of correct fun-
are not adjusted correctly
according to the present Use and
Maintanance Manual
Too high humidity of the filters, cau-
It is important to dewater the com-
sed by the humid air in the compres-
pressed air tank, check the state
sed air system
of the compressed air system
Dust emerges in another area, due to Limit the temperature at the inlet
temperature higher than 40
C of the
inlet air
. Dust emerges outside the devi- The cartridge filter is not tightly con-
Replace the cartridge filter or
nected of damaged
improve its mounting
The dust is of another sort than stated Contact the manufacturer
in the instruction.
Filtration efficiency is too low
Contact the manufacturer
Dust is appearing outside the
The cartridge filter is damaged
Replace the faulty element
filtering unit after a longer
The mounting flange (of the cartridge
period of correct work
filter) is deformed or damaged
Replace the faulty element
9.1 Cartridge filters
It is necessary to undertake a visual control of the cartridge filters, at any case when the waste container
(underneath the hopper chamber) is emptied of the dust. Examine the state of the mounting elements, the state
of the filtration surface, the degree of pollution, the presence of damages, etc.
– through the inspection door.
Additionally, this revision should be carried out in case when any improper function of the device is noticed.
In case the cartridge filters are damaged or worn out
– replace them for new. The filters should be drawn out,
beginning from the filter closest to the inspection door. Before User draws out the filter, first release the mounting
nuts, turn the filter itself and take it out.
9.2 Fan
Technical revision and maintenance of the fan should be executed according to the instruction of the fan. In case
when faulty function of the fan is noticed, please contact the producer. The fan motor must be submitted to
systematic maintenance, to provide correct function and safety. Follow steps strictly as described in the
instructions of the fan manufacturer. When necessary, replace the fan or motor for new and this can be carried
out exclusively by an authorised personnel.
9.3 Compressed air tank.
The compressed air tank must be submit to technical revision and maintenance, according to the valid regulation
on the pressure devices. Periodically, examine all the connections on the compressed air tank. It is important to
dewater the tank, through the connection (installed in the lower part of the tank).
9.4 Electromagnetic valves
Electromagnetic valves do not require current maintenance. Simply, it is sufficient to check the electrical
connections, the state of grounding and tightness on the pneumatic installation. It is recommended to replace the
valves after 2 years of use, and not later than after 4 years of operational use (but in this case, contact the
producer of the filtering unit).