If you suspect something is wrong with your Heat Pump?
Before you call for service, fill out below. (Reg. Card
is sent to
NICO Norge __)
Send to your Dealer and keep a copy in front of you when you call.
Model written on Heat Pump: ___________________ Serial No:______________
Delivered from Company: ______________________________________________
Installation date: ________ Installed: Outside __ Inside__ inside in a shed __
Distance to obstacles: Front ___ m
Back ____ m
Top ____ m
Pool Surface Area ________ m2
Pool is: Covered __
Uncovered __
Other Heating system for the Pool: Yes __ No __ Desired Pool temp ____C
Normal Air Temperature: ______C
Normaly: Dry Air __ Humid Air __
Pool Filter Pump: ________ kW. Filter is Clean __ Pressure on filter: ____
Max Pool Temperature reached_____ C°
Desired Pool Temp _____C°.
Is there Ground Water around the pool? YES__ NO__ DON’T KNOW__
Any Failure Code on Display _____. Check Settings. See Default Settings:
Observed Settings: ____________________________________________
Is the heat pump: Running __ Running sometimes __ Not running at all ___
Is the heat pump: Heating __ Not Heating enough __ Not heating at all __
Is the fan running? YES__ NO__ Is there ice on “Radiator” YES__ NO__
Is there Cold Air coming out from Radiator: YES__ NO__ DON’T KNOW__
Are there leaves or dirt on the fins on the “Radiator” YES__ NO__
Gas Pressure on heat pump? Running _____Pa Not running _____ Pa
Do Following:
Switch Main Power OFF. Wait 3 min. Power ON, Heat Pump ON. > Listen:
Does the
start within 2 Min? YES__ NO__
Does the
start within next 2 Min? YES__ NO
Voltage on Heat Pump connections: Standby __V. ON__V. Running __V
Fuse for Heat Pump _______A Cable size from Fuse to Heat Pump _____mm2
Are the Fuse if Type: Slow Blow / Motor Fuse / Yes___ No___
Parameter Settings
If Possible read, and Note all parameter settings. (See Page 6)
0 = _____
1 = _____
2 = _____
3 = _____
4 = _____
5 = _____
6 = _____
7 = _____
8 = _____
9 = _____
A = _____
B = _____
C = _____ D = _____
E = _____
F = _____