1. General information about electrostatic charge
Today electrostatic discharge is a problem on many working places with the use of modern
micro - electronics as e.g. Microchips and there sensibility against it.
There is also a very strong danger for industrial branches as e.g. Telecommunication- ,
Plastics- , and manufactures of explosives.
The loss in manufacturing time as well as high financial damage and the affection of the
health of persons may be cased by ESD (electrostatic discharge).
It is possible that electrical charges of over 10.000 V can build up on human clothes,
materials and equipment. Damage on electronic components may already occur with a
charge of less as 100 V and charges of 3.000 V are able to flash and may be the result of
explosion in hazardous areas.
What is the cause of electrostatic charge?
Trough friction and separation of different materials, called - Tribo Electricity - ( it stays for
the Greek word tribeia which means friction ) will be generated.
The cause is a transfer of electrons between the two materials.
Since the charge of electrons is negative the material depleting electrons has a positive
charge, compare the material enhances electrons shows a negative charge.
There are different ways to prevent or divert electrical charges. However to find a useful and
effective way, first the source and the charge of the electrostatic field has to be located and
the polarity and strength will be measured.
To do so as well as check any chosen steps against electrostatic charge or to control desire
charge our Electro - Field meter is recommended.
Measurement method
The static-field meter has a parametric amplifier. The electrical field causes an alternated
current proportional to the field strength. These current can be measured with a selective
amplifier, without taking away energy of the electrical field.
Through using gold-plated influenz-electrodes no galvanic disturbances are induced.
There is no radioactive material in use !
2. descriptions
The unit is housed into an EMV-plastic enclosure, and the sensor in a metallic cane. The
Influence Measuring Electrode is star shaped. In front to it in a small distance apart a rotating
grounded modulation propeller wheel with the same shape is located. The Influence
Electrode is jacket by a ring electrode system used also as mechanical shield for the
propeller wheel and the sensor - plate. The measurement display is located on top of the
unit. It is a 2x12 digit alphanumeric LC - display. The connection between the sensor and
the handheld unit is a RS 485 serial interface.
The unit consists of built in microprocessors for the following tasks as:
it considers automatically the measured field strength (V/m) and the pre-selected
distance (cm) to calculate the voltage potential (Volt)
single push - button control
permanent Battery – voltage - control with automatic switch off
control of the RS485 interface