4.0 Zones, Gas Groups and Temperature Classifications
The Klaxon Intrinsically Safe Sounder is certified to the following:
Ex ia IIC T6 Ga, Ex ia IIIC T85C Da, Ex ia I Ma.
This means that the units can be installed in locations with the following condi
tions when connected to an approved system:
Zone 0
Explosive gas air mixture continuously present.
Zone 1
Explosive gas air mixture likely to occur in normal operation.
Zone 2
Explosive gas air mixture not likely to occur, and if it does, it will
only exist for a short time.
Zone 20
Explosive dust air mixture is continuously present.
Zone 21
Explosive dust air mixture likely to occur in normal operation.
Zone 22
Explosive dust air mixture not likely to occur, and if it does, it
will only exist for a short time.
Gas Groupings
IIA Propane Group, IIB Ethylene Group and IIC Hydrogen and Acetylene
M1 Methane, Carbon Dust
Equipment Category
1GD & M1 Temperature Range: -40°C < Ta <55°C
IIIA Fibres and Flying, IIIB Flour and Grain, IIIC Coal Dust and Metal Dust.
The maximum surface temperature of operating product in the Sounder will not
exceed 85°C.