Mini 32 KSPO Ð 02/2008
made by
The crimping process can be interrupted at any
moment by releasing the trigger.
Make sure that the locking pin (Pos. 4) is com-
pletely pushed in and safely engaged.
The user has to check by optical means whether
the pressing jaws are completely closed.
If a pressing cycle has been interrupted the fit-
ting has to be dismantled.
The user needs to make sure that the pressing jaws are
completely closed and that there are no foreign objects
(e.g. plaster or stone fractions) between the pressing
By sliding the retract slide (Pos. 2) in the direction of
the battery the dies can be retracted in case of an error
or emergency.
The crimping cycle is terminated when the dies are com-
pletely closed and the max. crimping force is reached
which is indicated by the auto retraction of the piston.
After having terminated the pressing process
and prior to changing the jaws remove battery to
avoid unintended starts
5.2. Explanation of the application range
The Uponor Mini 32 KSP0 is a hand guided pressing tool
to mount fittings on multi Layer, copper and stainless
steel type plumbing tubes with ¯ 14 to 32 mm. The unit
is not supposed to be restrained in a vise. It is not al-
lowed to use the tool in a stationary application.
The tool is not designed for continued crimping opera-
tions. After a sequence of approximately 50 completed
crimps you have to make a break of 15 min. to give the
tool time to cool down.
Too intensive use can cause heat damages for
the tool
During the operation of electric engines sparks
can occur which might ignite highly inflammable
or explosive liquids and materials
Electric tools should not be operated in pouring
rain or under water.
5.3. Mounting instructions
In order to safeguard a proper pressing and to guaranty
a safe and reliable handling the machine must only be
operated with pressing jaws recommended by Uponor.
Do not use bent or damaged pressing jaws.
5.4. Service and maintenance instruction
The reliable performance of the tool is dependent on
careful treatment and service. This represents an
important condition to safeguard a lasting connection.
To safeguard this the tool have to be maintained and
serviced regularly. We would like to draw your attention
to the following points:
1. The electric-hydraulic pressing unit have to be
cleaned and dried after each use before being put
into the transportation case.
2. In order to guaranty a proper function of the machine
the pressing tool should be returned to the manufac-
turer or one of our Authorized Service Centers (ASCÕs)
after the light diode display indicates Service.
3. The battery as well as the charging unit must be pro-
tected against humidity and foreign objects.
4. The bolt joins, the drive rolls and their guides must be
oiled regularly in small amounts.
5. Check through test crimps or have the tool manufac-
turer check the tool and pressing jaws regularly for
proper function.
6. Keep pressing jaws clean. Remove dirt with a brush.
7. Do only use genuine hydraulic oil from Uponor or
In order to avoid possible malfunctions we offer you a
manufacturer service consisting of disassembly, clean-
ing, exchange of possibly worn out parts assembly and
final control. Only a clean and properly functioning press
system can over the time safeguard a leaking free con-
Within the determined use of the tool only the pressing
jaws are permitted to be changed by the customers.
Do not open the tool. If the seals are damaged
the warranty is invalidated.