(especially for stand-alone usage and employee numbers is under 30).
It allows a system manager to
manipulate it simply through a Web Browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer! Please setup the system accordingly
following below steps:
Log onto an PX2500’s built-in web application.
Method 1:
Connect your PX2500 clock to Ethernet and the device will get an IP address for itself. Enter Menu on the color
touch-screen > System > NetWork and write down the device IP address you see. Go to any computer which is in the
same network with your PX2500 terminal, open web browser(ex. Microsoft Internet Explorer) and enter IP address
following http:// and followed by “/login.asp”(ie. and press [Enter] key to enter the
system log-on page. Enter the default user “ADMIN”, leave the password blank, and click [Login] to enter the main
Method 2(for setting a designate IP address):
Enter Menu on the color touch-screen > System > and complete IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway settings accordingly
and disable DHCP. Connect your PX2500 clock to Ethernet(LAN), go to any computer which is in the same network
with your PX2500 terminal, open web browser(ex. Microsoft Internet Explorer) and enter IP address following “http://
“and followed by “/login.asp”(ie. and press [Enter] key to enter the system log-on
page. Enter the default password “admin” and click [Login] to enter the main page.
Remark: For WiFi version the settings are at Menu > System > WIFI SET and Menu > System > WIFI IP
Login page Main page
Set login password
For changing the default web login password.
1. Click on [Admin Password] in the left menu to enter the setting page.
2. Enter the new password and click [Save] to confirm the change.
Database Backup(External database backup)
For copying your PX2500 database to your computer.
1. Click on [Database Backup] in the left menu.
2. PX2500 database consists of two files, KATS.SDF & DISTR.SDF. Simply click on each file to download it to a
favorite directory in your computer so that they can be applied in case of a hardware issue with your PX2500/SW.
System Setting
Click on [System Setting] in the left menu and you will find 3 settings:
Select the Date format that you want to apply to all attendance reports.