FM Radio Essentials
The kit is supplied with ½ a metre of twin cable. This cable is used to connect the speaker. Cut this
to the required length for your enclosure design.
Take the piece of wire that you have cut off and strip the ends of the wire. Connect one end to the
two terminals on the speaker (shown right) and the other end to the board marked speaker after
feeding it through the strain relief hole. It does not matter which way around these connections go.
Checking Your FM Radio PCB
Check the following before you connect any batteries for you radio.
Check the bottom of the board to ensure that:
All holes (except the four large mounting holes) are filled with the lead of a component.
All these leads are soldered.
Pins next to each other are not soldered together.
Check the top of the board to ensure that:
The outline of components IC2 and IC3 match the outlines on the PCB.
The negative markings on the electrolytic capacitors line up with the same markings on the PCB.
The red wire on the PP3 lead is connected to the power connector labelled Red and the black wire on the
PP3 lead is connected to the power connector labelled Black .
Additionally check that the resistors and capacitors are in the correct place if your board does not work.