Basic Sweet Dough
3/4 cup (175 mL)
low-fat milk
1/2 cup (120 mL) sugar
1-1/4 tsp (6 ml) salt
1/2 cup (120 mL) butter
or margarine
2 packages active dry
1/3 cup (80 mL)
warm water
(105°F to 115°F
[40° C to 46°C])
3 eggs, room
5-1/2 - 6-1/2
(1.32-1.62 mL)
all-purpose flour
Place milk, sugar, salt, and butter in small
saucepan. Heat over low heat until butter melts
and sugar dissolves. Cool to lukewarm.
Dissolve yeast in warm water in warmed mixer
bowl. Add lukewarm milk mixture, eggs, and 5
cups (1.2 L) flour. Attach bowl and PowerKnead™
Spiral Dough Hook to mixer. Turn to Speed 2
and mix about 2 minutes.
Continuing on Speed 2, add remaining flour,
1/2 cup (120 mL) at a time, and mix about
1-1/2 minutes, or until dough starts to clean sides
of bowl. Knead on Speed 2 about 2 minutes
Place dough in greased bowl, turning to grease
top. Cover. Let rise in warm place, free from draft,
about 1 hour, or until doubled in bulk.
Punch dough down and shape as desired for rolls
or coffee cakes.
Basic Sweet Dough for a Crowd
Double all ingredients and prepare in 7 qt
(6.6 L) mixer bowl. In first paragraph, change
small sauce pan to medium sauce pan. In second
paragraph, change 5 cups (1.2 L) flour to 10 cups
(2.4 L) flour.