-We recommended only commodity SD card which included the products. We do not have any
responsibility to the error by using the non-commodity products.
-SD card is expendables. So please check their status and change when you need.
-Please format the SD disk about 1 or 2 times each month, and save important film to another
drive like HDD.
-If you format the SD card and put them on the product, then they have another folder appear
and record new film.
-please disconnected power and then take off the SD card from the body. If you take off the SD card
from the body with connected power, the last file will not record and cannot restoration.
-please check the LED light off on the body before the take-off SD card from the body.
-We use micro SD card for easily use on the smartphone. It is very small and sensitive, please be carefu
l to carry and handle of this.
-If you use for normal power supply, We recommended change your SD card every 6 months.
How to use SD memory card