Kirby Morgan, SuperLite, Band Mask, KMB Band Mask, EXO, SuperMask, SuperFlow, and Rex are all registered trademarks of Kirby Morgan Dive
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© Copyright 1970-2016 Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This manual is made available for the express use of owner of this Kirby
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Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc.
Copyright 2003-2016, Dive Lab® Inc. All rights reserved. InspTrnG 03100
1. Supply Gas
a. Ensure gas to diver.
2. Check Breathing System
Diver - Check the following (a-e):
a. Open and close the Steady-Flow Valve to
ensure proper operation.
b. Check breathing resistance. Set Demand
Regulator Adjustment Knob for minimum
inhalation effort.
c. Press Purge Button to check gas purge function.
d. Ensure Nose Block Device slides freely.
e. Ensure Emergency Valve opens and closes
properly. Then, ensure Emergency Valve is closed
and the Bail Out Cylinder Valve is open.
3. Check Communications
Perform Communications Check
4. Check Hot Water Supply
(if applicable)
Check hot water supply connections. Ensure
topside hot water supply has been switched to
diver and verify flow to hot water shroud and suit
(if used).
5. Check Dry Suit Inflation Hose
(if applicable)
Check dry suit Inflation Hose Connection.
Ensure dry suit Inflation Valve and Exhaust Valve
function properly.
6. Check Entire Rig
Soap and leak check Helmet/Mask gas fittings
and connections, including Emergency Gas
7. Check Diver’s Entire Rig
Check adjustment/fit of the entire rig,
including the following (a – f):