" In the pop-up list, select "Share" item. According to the pop-up list
to select the way you want to share
pic 9.6
Install apk file: select the suffix. Apk file on the Explorer, pop up the
installation program, follow the prompts to install third-party software
Create new folder: Select the folder you want to create the directory,
Click the right button
, select the Creat New Folder, Follow the
prompts to complete the Creat New Folder
9.4 Recorder
In the application menu or on the desktop, tap the icon
to enter into the
Recorder interface, Click the Record button
to start recording, Click the
Stop button
to stop recording. Just click the play button
to play the
recording, The system automatically prompts to use this recording or to give
up, please manually select.
Play recordings: Select to use audio player audio, in accordance with the
Explorer select the audio files, click to play