Delivery Method: Removable Devices: USB Drives
Prepare a SD card for content storage, and use a USB drive for content delivery.
Content can be also updated directly from a SD card.
Video, and image management:
The Image and video files on a SD card display sequence according to ASCII code. Ex.
1.JPG, 2.JPG, 3.AVI, 4.JPG.
Rolling text management:
Caption.txt: Rolling text input
Setting.txt: Define rolling text message size, color, and speed.
Font TTF: Define font size.
Font: 48
Text color: 65280
BG color: 255
Alpha: 48
Speed: 1
Step 1:
Option 1: USB drives
Option 2: SD card
Step 1:
Create content on your PC
and save it onto a USB
Step 2:
Remove a USB drive from your PC by Inserting a USB
drive to signage, and later content will be
automatically updated.
Step 1:
Create content on your SD
card by dragging and
dropping videos & images
Step 2:
Insert a SD card into signage that content can be
played directly from a SD card.