6. Install housing (A) Fig.9 to three support brackets (B) using 6 hex. bolts,
12 flat washers and 6 hex. nuts. Make sure the hose opening (C) faces
the fan housing (D). Before attaching the third support bracket, place
hanger bracket (E) between the support bracket and the housing as
shown (KC-3105C only). Tighten all bracket nuts and bolts at this time.
7. Slide hose clamps (A) Fig.10 onto each end of the hose (B). Attach hose
between the fan housing (C) and the main housing (D). Tighten clamps
to secure hose using a screwdriver.
8. Insert bag hanger (A) Fig.11 into hanger bracket (B) and then hook the
top dust bag to hanger. Insert retainer strap (C) through keeper straps of
the top dust bag (D) and fasten to the upper lip of the main housing (E)
(KC-3105C only).
9) Position the retainer strap (F) Fig.11 over the bottom transparent dust
bag (G) and fasten to the lower lip of the main housing (H).