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ZONE 50 is an electronic thermostat for electric underfloor heating system with external floor 


ZONE 50 can be installed in standard wall box or flush mounted on the wall with an external 

frame box.

ZONE 50 controls and regulate the floor temperature to achieve the best room comfort.

ZONE 50 is using the adaptive PWM- and PI-technics to to give the best performance and to 

extend ZONE 50s  lifetime.

ZONE 50 should not be used to eliminate over temperatures in the floor construction. 

The only way to eliminate overtemperatures is to design the floor construction with the right 



 and compensate for the floor constructions thermal insulation and the Wattage per 

linear meter Warm Floor Heating Cable or Wattage per square meter Warm Floor Mat.

If the buildings insulation properties is poor it can be compensated with another external 

heat source. If ventilation/heat pump/air-condition are chosen as the external heat source 

it is important that the temperature setting for this heat sources will not be lower than the 

floor temperature, this will save energy.

The under floor heating construction should never be exposed to high temperatures to elimi-

nate the risk of fire. The worst situation will be when the construction have a high power 

output per sqm floor and the floor construction is thin with a good thermal insulation and 

the floor surface will be covered with a carpet or any other good thermal insulating material. 

The maximum allowed temperatures is depending on the surrounding material and regulated 

by the electrical standards, regulations and directives.

     - Maximum temperature in a floor construction according to electrical standards is 80˚C.

     - The general maximum temperature for combustible material is 80˚C.

     - Maximum operating temperature for Heating Cable or Heating Mat see the products             

       technical specifications.

     - The maximum temperature for water membrane are quite low (50˚C), see the  

       producers technical specifications.

ZONE 50 complies with the directives for electrical safety and EMC compatibility.

ZONE 50 are CE-marked and complies with the following standards:

     - EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3 EN 60730-1 and 60320-2-9.

ZONE 50 should only be used when the whole installation complies with electrical standards, 

regulations, directives and KIMAs installation manuals.

ZONE 50 should only be installed by authorized installers.

If ZONE 50 have been exposed to violence or got damaged, it should be carefully controlled 

by qualified personnel before it will be connected to the mains.

Installation floor sensor

It makes it easier if the floor sensor is installed in an end sealed electric conduit pipe, if it 

needs to be replaced.

The floor sensor should be installed in an open floor area between two heating cables about 

0,5 m from the wall. It is important that the sensor will not be placed in an area were the 

heat can be thermally blocked with fixed or movable furniture, wardrobes, kitchen cupboards, 


If needed the floor sensor cable can be extended with a separate ordinary 1,5 mm



lation cable (maximum length see technical specifications). The floor sensor should not be 

installed in the same electrical conduit pipe as the heatingcables/heatingmats cold tail or 

any other electrical cables. If the floor sensor is connected to a cable with metallic sheath. 

Don´t earth the metallic sheath.

Economy function, Day or Night setback


Lowering the floor temperature with a preset value, see Technical specifications, with an ex-

ternal signal. This function doesn’t need to be used if not needed. The external timer should 

be installed on a suitable place for example at the switchboard or a manual switch that could 

be installed next to ZONE 50. The timer or switch can control more than one thermostat at 

the same time. Important to use the right control signal, see technical specifications. 

LED light will be green when the economy signal is active and red when the heatingcable/

heatingmat is energized. (see Fig. 1)

Frost protection

Frost protection will maintain the floor/room temperature at a low temperature, see techni-

cal specifications. This function doesn’t need to be used if not needed. The external timer 

should be installed on a suitable place for example at the switchboard or a manual switch 

that could be installed next to ZONE 50.

The timer or switch can control more than one thermostat at the same time. Important 

to use the right control signal (the signal should be connected via a rectifier diode), see 

technical specifications. (See Fig. 2)

Installing ZONE 50

1.   Open the plastic front cover and unscrew the screw. The thermostat should not be  


opened in any other way.

2.   Connecting cables (see fig.)


Terminal 1: Live (L)


Terminal 2: Neutral (N)


Terminal 3-4: Heaingcable/Heatingmat (Maximum Load 3600W/16Amp)


Terminal 5-6: Floor sensor


Terminal S: Control signal from external timer or switch to operate Economy function,  


Day or Night setback or Frost protection if decided to use.


PS. Before the Heating Cable or Heating Mat is connected to ZONE 50 the resistance  


and insulation properties should be checked. See Heating Cable or Heating Mat 


installation manual.

3.   Install ZONE 50 with the frame against the wall or over a wall box and fix it with screws.  


Fit the covers.

4.  Don’t turn the heating on to early, before concrete or liquid concrete have cured  


enough. See manufactures specifications.

5.  LED light will be red when the Heating Cable/Heating Mat is energized. Depending 


on the thickness of the floor construction and how low surrounding temperature are, it  


will take longer time to achieve set temperatures. If the heat losses are high, it could  


be a problem to achieve set temperatures. 

If their will be no heat, see fault finding list.


Installations manual, Users manuals and any other documents for the floor construction 

should be filed near by the switchboard together with Warranty documents that can prove 

that it has been an authorized installer that are responsible for the installation.

Environmental disposal

ZONE 50 is an electronic product and should therefor be returned to any envi-

ronmental approved depo stations.

Products marked with this symbol can’t be disposed together with the normal 

household waste. It should be delivered to a waste collection centre in 

accordance with the local regulations.

Faultfinding ZONE 50

Fault tracing should be done by KIMA authorized fault finder.

The floor will not be warm

A.   Check that the cables have been connected in the right way and the terminal screws  


are tight.

B.   Check the voltage on terminal 1 and 2.

C.  Check that the switch on ZONE 50 is switched on. Check the voltage on terminal 3 and  

       4 when the Heating Cable/Heating Mat is on and the LED light is lit as said in 


paragraph 5. Measure the electric current with a clamp meter and compare it with the  


technical specifications for the Heating Cable/Heating Mat

D.   Disconnect the Heating Cable/Heating Mat and check the total resistance and the  


insulation properties and compare them with the recorded values from the installation  


that should be filed near the switchboard and compare it with the technical 


E.   If the measured electrical values are correct according to the technical specifications  


and the construction doesn’t get warm enough the problem could be that the heat 


losses are greater than the input power and the reasons could be cold spots. (PS. Do  


not increase the power out put, that will instead increase the risk of fire and also 


shorten the ageing properties of the Heating Cable/Heating Mat) Analyze the total  


building constructions insulation properties and try to find any cold spot that can  


cause the problem. If the floor construction is a concrete slab on the ground check  


the moisture, that could be a great problem due to better heat conductivity. Another  


problem could be that their is a could area under the floor construction and that’s why  


it important to insulate the construction well.

F.   Disconnect the floor sensor on terminal 5-6 and there will be an error code in the LCD  


display ”E1”, the LED light will flash red once. The same will happened if terminal 5-6  


are shortened. 

G.   Check the floor sensors resistance and compare it with the technical specifications.  


The reading should only change with the temperature.

H.   If ZONE 50 are turned on and the surrounding temperature are lower than -20˚C, 


ZONE 50 will turn the relay off and when the temperature increase over -20˚C it  


will turn on again.

I.  If the temperature in the thermostat will be greater than 70˚C it will turn the relay of  


for 10 minutes so the temperature will decrease and the LED light will flash red five  


times and a error code ”E5” will be presented in the LCD display.

J.   Contact the distributor ZONE 50 has been purchased from.

The floor is energized all the time

a.   Check that the cables have been connected in the right way and the terminal screws  


are tight.

b.   Disconnect the floor sensor on terminal 5-6 and there will be an error code in the LCD  


display ”E1”, the LED light will flash red once. The same will happened if terminal 5-6  


are shortened. 

c.   Check the floor sensors resistance and compare it with the technical specifications.  


The reading should only change with the temperature.

d.   Contact the distributor ZONE 50 has been purchased from.

Problem programing ZONE 50, see Users manual.

Error codes in the LCD display

E1   - Sensor fault. The sensor are shortened or disconnected. The LED light will flash red 



E5   - Overheating. The temperature will be higher than 70degree C in the thermostat and  


the relay will be switch off for 10 minutes so the temperature will decrease and the  


LED light will flash red five times.

Programing ZONE 50

See Users manual.


Installation should be done by an authorized installer according to regulations, directives 

and KIMAs installation manual.

Time of Warranty, see KIMA Warranty.

Installation manual






INST0104010  Rev 1



LCD Display

Red,  increase  




Blue, decrease 




Part no.: E8581136, 

EAN no: 7331002600084

Version 3

Fig. 1

Fig. 2
