// Pattern Generator
FWD/REV Control and DIR Input
While any motion is playing, the direction can be reversed by adjusting the FWD/REV switch. It can
also be reversed by an external voltage. If +5V or greater is placed on the DIR IN jack, the current
direction of the pattern will be reversed. The direction can also be changed by using the MIDI CC #64.
(damper pedal) When the damper is pressed down, the direction will be reversed.
RESET Control and Input
You can reset the playback position of a motion at any time by pressing on the MOTION TYPE knob. You
can also reset the playback position by inputting a +5V or greater signal on the RESET IN jack. Note
that the position is reset only once each time the knob is pressed or the RESET IN input goes high.
This works even when the clock is stopped. The next note to play after resetting when the clock
resumes will be the first note in the pattern. This is similar to the "reset to 16th note" on some
sequencers, however in this case the effect is the same without requiring any special settings.
Output Mode via the CV/GATE / X/Y Switch
Normally the CV/GATE / X/Y switch is in the CV/GATE mode (up). In this mode notes are generated as
CV and GATE on the output jacks, and MIDI note messages are sent on the MIDI bus. In the X/Y mode
(down), the CV and GATE jacks output signals which are related to the absolute playback ball position
on the LED matrix. This can be used for modulation or other uses of varying voltages. The X output
sends the horizontal position and the Y output sends the vertical position. The MIDI output sends
continuous controller (CC) messages for the X and Y positions also. These are shown in the MIDI
Implementation section of the manual. Note that the outputs in X/Y mode are stepped and if you want
continually varying voltages you will need to pass them through a glide processor.
The underlying notes which are used for playback are selected with the MAJ/MIN and LARGE/SMALL
switches. As the melodic and rhythmic patterns are based on a wide variety of patterns and motions,
the underlying notes are kept purposefully simple. The MAJ/MIN switch chooses major (up) or minor
(down) scales. The minor scale used is the Dorian minor scale. The LARGE/SMALL switch affects how
many octaves are mapped onto the grid. In the small mode (down) there are two octaves. In the large
mode (up) there are four octaves.
In the X/Y output mode the LARGE/SMALL control affects the size of the output signal. Either small
(down) or large (up) range of control. Experiment with the outputs on either analog or MIDI to see how
this affects your other equipment. The MAJ/MIN switch inverts both the X and Y signals in case you
wish to have an opposite voltage output.
Major Scale
The major scale spans from C to C without any output offset applied. Notes are mapped from left to
right on each row. Every column has the same notes, but different octaves depending on the setting
on the LARGE/SMALL switch.
User Manual
Hardware Version D/E
Firmware Version 1.1x
February 16, 2011
© 2010 Kilpatrick Audio