KPC 3k and 15k
Press →0←
“bPt .100”
Current battery percent.
Press MODE
Return back to weight mode.
In the weighing mode, press MODE key once to cycle through the units to change to g/kg/Lb/oz PCS.
This mode is used to count the number of pieces of an item placed on the pan. To ensure accuracy, the parts
to be counted must be consistent in weight. The scale uses a sampling method to determine the average
weight of items to be counted.
How to enter the Counting mode
Press the MODE key once to cycle through g/kg/Lb/PCS until the PCS icon is displayed. When “n 0” is on
the screen, then the scale is in counting mode.
How to Count
Place a sample size of the item you wish to count on the pan (ex 50 pieces). After the icon is displayed,
press and hold the MODE key for three seconds. The display will read “000000” and the “PCS” icon will be
active. Press “→T←” to select the position and “→0←” to set the sample size until the display reads
“000050”. Then press MODE to see “n 50” displayed. You may need to add more items if you get the “Err
11” code since the weight of the item may be too light, or out of the test range.
*Press MODE return back to weighing mode.
Error 1: Accuracy setting too high
Error 2: Zero Tracking wrong, check whether load cell is damaged.
Error 3: Out of the display range
Error 4: Inner code is 0 error
Error 5: Over load, over the setting range or display “------“
Error6: Cannot zero.
Error7: Cannot tare.
Error8: Cannot accumulate.
Error9: Cannot changing weight unit.
Error10: W/O connection to the battery or battery damage.
Error11: Weight of the item being counted is too light; outside of the detectable range.