| Getting started with KillDisk |
Getting started with KillDisk
This section outlines the essential features of KillDisk and explains basic functionality to get you started, including:
Launching the application
Disk Bay Layouts
KillDisk installation and distribution
KillDisk Desktop distribution overview
Included in the KillDisk Desktop system are two distributions of the system: the hardware and the software
distribution. Though the hardware distribution contains everything required for the system to be fully functional, the
software distribution is also included as a recovery environment for quick and easy disaster recovery of the system.
Hardware distribution
KillDisk Desktop is distributed as a fully-configured hardware solution using the Thecus chassis - a robust multi-disk
platform for disk erasure. Simply connect the system to power and the unit is ready to perform all Killdisk functions
without any additional setup required.
Number of disk bay slots may very depending on exact Thecus model and configuration.
Software distribution
The distribution package contains a CD-ROM with a complete bootable image containing KillDisk that can be used
to restore your installation to factory (default) settings. This may be used for crash recovery, system restoration or last
resort option to repair the KillDisk Desktop system. Though you will not need this image when you initially receive
the system, store it in a safe place for future use.
KillDisk Industrial distribution overview
KillDisk Industrial is distributed as a software solution. Simply install the application into your data erasure
workstation environment and
configure it to your system
Navigating through the application
Once the KillDisk application is launched, you will be presented with the main KillDisk application dashboard. From
here you can use any of KillDisks' tools with your system. This section will outline the main components of the
application. The full functionality and features of these components are discussed in their corresponding sections later
in this documentation: