Using Triggers
Output on/off delay function (Sequence 2: OUTPut)
The TRIGger:SEQuence2 (or TRIGger:OUTPut) subsystem allows you to use the output
on/off delay function. To reserve the operation of the output change using triggers, use the
OUTPut:TRIGgered command.
:TRIGger:SEQuence2:DELay:ON 0.5
'SSet the output on delay to 0.5 s
'Set the output to be turned on when a trigger is
'Apply a software trigger to sequence 2
The TRIGger:SEQuence2:SOURce command sets the trigger source (BUS or IMMediate).The
:TRIGger:SEQuence2:DELay:ON command sets the delay for turning on the output after the
trigger is applied. If this value is set to 0, the output is turned on without delay. Though not
used in the example above, the :TRIGger:SEQuence2:DELay:OFF command sets the delay
for turning off the output after the trigger is applied.
The INITiate:IMMediate:SEQuence2 command makes the trigger subsystem leave the IDLE
state and go the initiated state. If the trigger source is set to IMMediate, the output on/off
delay starts immediately. If the trigger source is set to BUS, the trigger subsystem moves to
the WTG (Waiting For Trigger) state. When a software trigger is applied with the
TRIGger:SEQuence2 or *TRG common command, the delay action is executed. When the
operation is completed, the trigger subsystem returns to the IDLE state again. If an ABORt
or an equivalent command is sent without executing the trigger, the delay action is
cancelled, and then the trigger subsystem returns to the IDLE state.
If the on or off state specified with the OUTPut:TRIGgered command is the same as the
present output state, the SEQuence2 (OUTPut) trigger subsystem completes the apparent
action immediately, because there is no actual action that needs to be taken. No error is
generated in this case.
If the delay action in progress is aborted by sending an abort command, Device Clear
(GPIB/USB), or break signal (RS232), the output state returns to the state that existed
before the delay action was executed. Likewise, the *RST command also aborts the
operation, but the output state is always set to off.
If the output state is set by force with an OUTPut command while the delay action is in
progress, the delay action is aborted, and the output is set to the state specified by the
OUTPut command.
Overview of Messages
(function search)
Protection and Clear the Alarm
Setting Changes using triggers
(ABC search)
(Sub-system search)
PAT-T series Communication Interface Manual