Technical data sheet 1.15-10.002-01-en
Multi radio connection MFA
D e v i ce De s c ri p ti on
Initial operation
LED displays
MFA receives no radio telegrams
green short blinking
passive operating mode; module receives radio telegrams of other
transmission paths
green long blinking
(LED approx 1 s
active service mode; module receives radio telegrams of the
assigned transmitters (FCS)
red permanent light
error mode:
Failure of the radio communication
Output signal 30 % (security position servo drive)
The error blinking of the LED continues as long as the
state causing the error remains
Description of initial operation
1. Before switching on the mains, check the correct assembly and electric connection.
Initial operation may be performed only by qualified expert personnel!
Specific settings and functions of the MFC are described in this device description. Additionally to
this notice, the device documentation MFC and FCS are to be noted.
Set the address code
The same address code must be set at the assigned transmitting modules as well.
The device is delivered with the setting “000”.
Training with the MFA and the corresponding field device takes place automatically with the first regularly
received radio telegram.
Please observe possibly delayed data transmission due to the transmission interval of a radio path!
Radio communication in the 868 MHz frequency band is not maintained permanently, but is subject
to a legally determined relationship between transmission period and transmission pause ("duty
When the radio communication is interrupted, the connected drives are set in a security position.
The valves are then opened to 30%.
The reception of a valid radio telegram resets this function.
The red error LED at the FCE turns off.
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