After selecting the proper smoke alarm location as described in Section 5,
attach the mounting plate to the ceiling as shown. Use the screws and wall
plugs provided to secure the mounting plate.
If interconnecting bring interconnect wiring into terminal connectors on rear
of alarm. Use 12V type bell wire.
If alarm is not being interconnected, the two terminals are not used.
Non-Sealed in Alarms
Open battery door on rear of alarm. Remove freshness tab prior to
powering up ensuring red spring-loaded battery flag is under battery.
The alarm battery door will not shut without
a battery in the compartment.*
On Sealed in/Long Life models there is no access to battery drawer – type of
alarm is indicated on label on underside of alarm or carton.
Reinstall on alarm base plate affixed to ceiling and push (and hold) test
button to verify battery operation.
Slot in locking pin as in illustration if required.
Red L.E.D. will flash intermittently.
Red Battery Flag
Push in