September 2002
KRS-100 Nitrogen Releasing System
but bends must be made so that the tubing will not flatten
or kink. A single coil of tubing approximately 2-1/2 inches in
diameter is desirable at each flare or compression fitting.
The coil may be neatly made by wrapping the tubing around
any convenient cylindrical object of that diameter.
When sliding the tubing through conduit the leading end of
the tube should first be crimped and bent double so as to
provide a smooth sliding surface and to prevent possible
foreign matter in the conduit from entering the tubing. All
tubing fittings with pipe threads, as at the KRS-100 actua-
tor valve body, the pressure-operated actuator and other
accessory devices, shall be assembled with Teflon tape
wrapped around the male pipe threads.
All tubing should be blown out with air or nitrogen prior to
making final connections. Table 1 summarizes the length
of tubing allowed per each KRS-100 cylinder.
Control Head Mounting
(To Actuator Valve Assembly)
The system control head must be mounted to the
KRS-100 actuator valve body using the mounting kit
(P/N 06-129706-001) supplied with the Actuator Valve
Assembly (P/N 83-100010-001).
This kit contains a rubber gasket that must be placed be-
tween the mating surfaces of the actuator body and the
control head housing. This kit also contains Teflon coated
bolts and nylon washers for fastening the actuator valve
assembly to the control head housing.
Prior to mounting a control head on the KRS-100 actuator
valve assembly make certain of the following:
1. The control head is in the
position. On mechani-
cal installations the manual release lever should be
pushed up and the tensioning tool inserted in safety
hole in the housing. On electrical installations make
certain the solenoid trigger holds the actuating lever.
The actuating cam arrow should be pointed away from
the ratchet spool, (toward the
position on face-
plate), and the release plunger should be flush or slightly
retracted within the control head body.
2. Ensure the safety pin is in place on the actuator valve
assembly. See Figure 2.
3. Do not install the nitrogen cartridge at this time.
Control Heads are shipped in the
position with
cover off for ease of installation. There are
tensioning tools shipped with the mechanical and
tandem control heads to enable proper tension
setting on the cable. A tensioning tool may be used
with the pneumatic control heads. There is no
tensioning tool permitted with the electrical control
heads. The plunger of the electric solenoid holds
the control head mechanism in proper position for
To demonstrate proper operation of the actuating system
the following check-out is to be accomplished
prior to in-
stalling the nitrogen cylinder (P/N 83-100004-001)
For Control Head Operation
1. Remove the tensioning tool (when used) from the safety
hole in the control head. If the system is properly in-
stalled, the head should remain in the
fully prepared for either automatic or manual opera-
2. Remove safety pin from actuator valve assembly.
3. All cables, with the exception of remote pull cables,
should be in a taut condition if properly installed.
4. For fusible link check-out, cut the S hook farthest from
the control head (terminal link). The released tension
should permit the control head to operate, triggering
the releasing mechanism.
5. Check to see that the actuating cam is in the operated
position and that the actuating cam (shaft arrow) has
rotated to the released position. All cables should be
slack, including remote cable.
6. To check out electrical control heads, do the following:
Ensure that the actuating cam (shaft arrow) is turned
to the
position. Energize the control head by ap-
plying heat directly to the thermostats or operating the
7. Check that the control head triggering mechanism has
released. Check that the actuating cam arrow has ro-
tated to the release position.
8. Check to see that the gas valve and/or electric shut-off
have operated. Slack in the cable is an indication, but
only the shut-off of gas and/or shut-off of electric cur-
rent to the hazard demonstrates that these units have
properly functioned.
9. Inspect all other aspects of system operation, such as
dampers and door holders to see that the system has
been installed properly.
10. After resetting the system as outlined below, repeat
check-out by operating local and remote manual con-
trols to assure their operation.
If all conditions have proven to be operational, place sys-
tem in operation as follows:
1. If the fusible link system is used, install a new S hook
in the detection line. If the electric system is used, re-
placements should not be required.
2. Reset the control head.
3. Remove the control head tensioning tool when done,
and discard. Electric control heads do
tensioning tools.