When using a Bandpass Capable Crossover
A dedicated amplifier can be used to run the SSMB6 / SSMB8 midbass speakers. This design is preferred by audio-
philes. It allows each speaker to work in the bandwidth in which they were designed for. This design will give the
installer total control over the speakers and will only be limited to the flexibility of the electronic crossover. This lay-
out assumes you are using a 3-way crossover with Bandpass capability built in. This differs from most 3-way
crossovers which offer 2-Highpass and 1-Lowpass outputs. (Like the Kicker x3i) The highpass output on the
crossover will feed the amplifier driving the the upper frequency speakers. The Bandpass output on the crossover
will feed the amplifier that is running the SSMB series speakers. Last, but not least, the lowpass output on the
crossover will feed the amplifier driving the subwoofers. Each speaker will be working in precisely the bandwidth
they were designed for. See the diagram on the following page.
When using a 3-Way Electronic Crossover:
1. In this scenario the amplifiers do not need to have any crossover capability, the electronic crossover will assume
all of the responsibility.
2. Make sure the signal that is feeding the amplifier driving the upper frequency speakers is coming from the high-
pass out on the crossover.
3. Then make sure the signal that is feeding the amplifier driving the SSMB series speakers is coming from the
Bandpass output on the crossover.
4. Finally, if all other connections have been made correctly, this should be easy... the final set of RCAs need to be
connected to the low pass output on the crossover and to the input of the amplifier that is driving the sub-
Remember to be careful setting the gains and make sure they are not clipping the amplifier and causing harm to
the speakers. For more information on setting system gain controls please refer to the KQ30 Technical Manual or to
your buddy who has installed a few stereos in his dad’s garage!
Kicker SSMB Series Midbass Drivers
Recommended Applications / Version 2.0
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