Using a panel removal tool pry loose the screw cover on the driver’s side C and D pillar post cover and
remove the screws securing both covers. Pry loose the C pillar post cover and lay aside. Pry loose the
D pillar post cover, disconnect speaker wiring and lay aside. Fig 23
Using a pick tool, snap loose the cover on the driver’s side cargo D-ring to reveal the bolt securing the
D-ring and remove the bolt. Fig 24
Unscrew the cargo-net anchor knob on the driver’s side. Fig 25
Note: The knob may unscrew from the threaded stud. If so, use a pair of pliers to
remove the stud being careful not to damage the threads. Replace plastic knob
onto the stud for reassembly later.
Slide the driver’s side second row seatbelt trim cover up to reveal the seatbelt bolt and remove the bolt.
(Tahoe/Yukon only)
Fig. 26
Torque to 45Nm.
Using a panel removal tool, pry loose the driver’s side quarter panel cover. Disconnect the rear 12-volt
accessory port wiring and the rear folding seat switch wiring (if equipped) and lay the quarter panel
cover aside in the cargo area.
Continue routing the subwoofer harness down the driver’s side of the vehicle to the rear quarter panel.
Open the cover of the wire tray along the threshold of the door, install wire and replace the tray cover.
Fig 23
Fig 24
Fig 25
Fig 26