Play track: FullTest. While the track is running you
will see the LEDs progress from LED1 to LED4. The
FullTest track is 22 minutes long to accommodate
for many applications, however most corrections will
take between three to eight minutes. Here is what to
expect during this test.
a. LED 2 will be solid 10–20 seconds then
(first EQ correction sweep)
b. LED 3 will be solid for 30–90 seconds.
(second EQ correction sweep)
c. LED 4 will be solid for 30–90 seconds.
(final EQ sweep)
d. LED 3 and 4 will light up between 30–240
seconds (AllPass and Time delay detection)
e. The LEDs will begin to flash once the KEYLOC
has collected enough data and is processing the
test results.
The LEDs will sweep back and forth when the
KEYLOC has completed its calculations, and audio
will begin passing. Press the KEY button to exit the
set-up mode.
LED 4 will turn on to indicate the EQ correction
is running. LEDs 1 – 3 will light up to indicate the
available frequency ranges.
To toggle the EQ correction ON/OFF, press the KEY
button once. If LED4 is ON, EQ correction is on. If
LED 4 is OFF, EQ correction is off.
To reset the KEYLOC to factory: Enter the main
menu by pressing and holding the KEY button for 6
seconds. You will see the LEDs sweep from 1 – 4.
Release the KEY Button and LED 1 will light up. Click
the KEY button until LED 3 is illuminated. Hold the