The radio must be on (a low volume setting is fine for
this test). Set your voltmeter to measure DC Voltage.
Connect one of your voltmeter’s test probes to a
speaker lead and the other probe to chassis ground.
There should be a DC voltage present on your
speaker lead. The DC Voltage must be between 2.5
and 6V DC to be able to turn the KEYLOC on. If it
is the red Remote Turn-On wire does not need to
be used. The KEYLOC will sense this DC offset to
turn on, and 12V on its remote output (up to
100mA) to turn on your aftermarket amplifier(s).
IMPORTANT: If the DC Voltage you measure is
less than 2.5V, the KEYLOC DC offset turn on
function will not operate reliably. If this is the
case, you will need to find a +12V DC switched
circuit in the vehicle and connect the RED
remote turn-on wire to that switched circuit.
chassis ground
source unit