Kice Industries, Inc.
Maintenance and Service Continued
To remove the rotor:
1. Turn off airlock and remove all potential energy sources following SOPs and lockout/tagout
2. Remove airlock from system to obtain unobstructed access to rotor through the inlet of the
3. Place a block in the airlock to prevent the rotor from turning unexpectedly (Figure 6).
4. Prepare drive side.
a. Remove the chain guard cover.
b. Loosen idler sprocket to relieve chain tension and remove chain.
c. Remove drive sprocket and sprocket from airlock rotor.
d. Remove chain guard backplate.
5. Remove shaft cover opposite the drive side.
6. Match mark each endplate and body flange to
ensure they are installed in the same position from
which they were removed.
7. Position the rotor so two blades will contact the
body on each side while being removed (Figure 13).
8. Remove both bearings as noted in the Bearing
Replacement – section above.
9. Remove the bolts on one endplate.
Alternately tighten endplate push out set screws to
move endplate free of the body.
11. Remove endplate taking care not to hit rotor shaft to prevent damage. Complete a visual
inspection for wear and damage.
12. The rotor may be pulled from the body. If additional assistance is required, use a rawhide
hammer to firmly rap on the rotor shaft protruding through the opposite endplate.
13. Visually inspect the body bore for wear and damage.
14. Remove the endplate push out set screws so that they do not protude out of the endplate mating
flange face.
15. Reinstall the rotor and endplate with the same caution with which they were removed.
16. Install
bearings as noted in the Bearing Replacement Section –
see page 23.
17. Using a feeler gauge, check the clearance between the rotor and the airlock end plates (Figure 12).
18. Reattach drive components and guards in the opposite order they were removed.
Figure 13
Refer to Section 9 in this manual for clearance information. Some applications may require
greater rotor clearance, please contact Kice Sales for assistance if unsure. Not to exceed 0.0079”
clearance to comply with NFPA requirements.
Refer to Section 10 in this manual for all torque specifications.