Conditions for voice
command system
The voice control system includes a special
handsfree microphone mounted above the
driver's seat of your car which helps filter out
ambient noise and helps allow you to operate
system features through voice commands.
There are still a few points you should
observe to help reduce noise interference.
Keep doors, windows and the sunroof
closed to help avoid noise interference from
o u t s i d e t h e c a r . V o i c e c o m m a n d
performance can be improved if the cabin
environment is quiet.
Press the voice recognition button and say
the voice command after the sound of the
Speak continuously and at normal volume,
avoiding unnatural emphasis and pauses
between words.
Avoid causing background noise in the car
while you are speaking, and ask your
passengers not to speak while you are
giving voice commands.
As the handsfree microphone is positioned
to pick up the driver's voice, commands by
other occupants may be understood with
less accuracy, and passengers are advised
to use the handset when making calls.
The Kia Voice Recognition System may have
difficulty understanding some accents or
uncommon names. When using Voice
Recognition to place a call, speak in a
moderate tone, with clear pronunciation.
To help maximize the use of Voice
Recognition, consider these guidelines when
storing contacts:
Do not store single-name entries (e.g.,
“Bob”, “Mom”, etc.). Instead, always use full
names (including first and last names) for
these contacts
Do not use special characters (e.g., ‘@’, ‘-’,
‘*’, ‘&’, etc.)
Do not use abbreviations (i.e., use
“Lieutenant” instead of “Lt.”) or acronyms
(i.e., use “County Finance Department”
instead of “C. F. D.”. Be sure to say the
name exactly as it is entered in the
contacts list.