M9514A AXIe Chassis 14-Slot
Site Preparation and Installation Guide
Additional Information
After Installation
After uncrating, installing the chassis, and connecting AC power, you are just
about ready to turn on the chassis and verify its operation.
The next manual you should read is the
M9514A AXIe Chassis Startup Guide
This guide provides:
A chassis overview (including a block diagram)
Power up and power down procedures
Information on setting up the host PC
Installing Agilent IO Libraries Suite and other chassis-related software on
the host PC
Additionally, the
Software and Product Information
CD that ships with your
chassis has a PDF file of the
M9514A and M9521A User Guide
. This guide
provides more detailed information about:
Power up / power down modes
AXIe module installation
Using multiple chassis
Navigating the chassis web interface and Soft Front Panel
Various features and functions such as monitoring and controlling the
chassis fan speed and temperature, chassis synchronization and
triggering, and electronic E-Keying, etc.
AXIe module development
Chassis troubleshooting and service