Keysight U4431A MIPI M-PHY Protocol Analyzer Hardware and Probing Guide
U4431A Module
As shown in the above figure, the U4431A module has the following components:
OOS (Out of Service) LED
Indicates the power-ready status of the U4431A module. This LED may turn red during the power-on-self-test
phase of the chassis boot cycle. The LED then turns off when the U4431A module is in a power-ready state. The
LED turns red again only when a power fault condition occurs for the module.
• Red, steady
- If the LED remains red and does not turn off, then it indicates a power fault condition. In such a
situation, the module may require repair/service. Contact your Keysight representative to replace or service
the module.
• Off
- The module has detected no power failures and is in a power-ready status.
Interface Port
This component is used to share information with another U4431A module in the same chassis. The features of this
component are not yet supported.
Analysis Pods
This component is used to connect the U4431A module with one of the following two Keysight probes provided for
the U4431A module:
U4433A differential ZIF flying lead probe
U4432A differential SMA probe
You use this component to capture and analyze data from DUT. Refer
to know more.
Pod label
A colored label assigned to each pod input on the front panel of the module. You should match the color coding
used in these pod labels with the color coding for the labels that you put on the pod cables.
Data Lane Status LEDs
Each analysis pod on the module supports probing one to four lanes of a sublink. For each of these lanes, a lane
status LED is provided, labeled 0 to 3, to indicate the status of the lane. The following color coding is used for
these LEDs to indicate the lane status.
• Red
- This means that the lane is in the ultra-low power state (HIBERN8).
• Blinking
- This means that the lane state is unknown. This can happen when the U4431A module is in the
process of syncing up to the current link configurations.
• Green
- This means that the lane is transmitting HS-BURST in HS-MODE.
• Blinking Green
- This means that the lane is in the STALL state - the power saving state in HS-MODE.
• Yellow
- This means that the lane is transmitting LS-BURST in LS-MODE.
• Blinking
- This means that the lane is in the SLEEP state - the power saving state in LS-MODE.
• Off
- This means that the lane is not configured/available. Based on the link width that you select in the U4431
Connection Setup tab of the Logic and Protocol Analyzer GUI, the number of lanes on the U4431A module are
used. The LEDs of only the used lanes glow. For example, if you are using the x2 link width, then the LEDs of
only two lanes being used will glow and the rest of the LEDs will be off.
All Lane Status LEDs will be off until the host computer has established a connection to the chassis and module
and the Logic and Protocol Analyzer application has started.
Trigger In/Out
These connectors are used to listen to an external trigger in from a device or to send an external trigger out to
another device. However, these connectors on the U4431A module are not currently functional. Instead of using
these connectors, you can use the Trigger In/Out connectors located on the Embedded System Module (ESM) of
the Keysigt AXIe chassis to send or receive external trigger in and out events.
The following are some important points about the Trigger In/Out connectors:
The Trigger In connector of the AXIe chassis has an adjustable threshold input of +/-5V range and 250 mV
minimum swing.
The Trigger Out connector of the AXIe chassis extends the parallel trigger bus to external instruments. The
trigger out characteristics are 3.3V CMOS, 50W line drive, and 3-state.
Maximum trigger input voltage should not exceed 3.3 V.
Trigger Out and 10 MHz Out have nominal output level of 2.0 V with 20 ns minimum pulse width.
Minimum Trigger In duration is 20 ns.
Retaining Screws
The screws on both ends of the module are used to retain the module tightly inside the AXIe chassis slot once you
have fully placed it inside the chassis. To remove the module, you first need to loosen these screws ensuring that
these screws disengage completely.
Module Insertion/Extraction Handles
The handles on both sides of the module to insert or eject the module from the slot of the AXIe chassis.
Module Number and Name
Identifies the module’s product number and title. When contacting Keysight support, report this information.