Access the BPS Device manager and reserve ports
for testing
1. Access the Device Manager in BPS. The connected Compute Nodes should be visible.
After the management node has booted up KCOS (Keysight Cluster Operating
System) and initialized, the Compute Nodes that are connected to the
backplane ports should automatically be powered on and registered to the
current cluster. This process may take up to 15 minutes. If your Compute
Nodes do not appear in the Device Manager after 15 minutes, see
Troubleshooting Compute Node connectivity.
The displayed slot IDs correspond to the port number where the Compute Nodes are connected to
the Management node. For example, a Compute Node connected to port 4 will be managed on slot
2. Reserve ports for testing.
See the
BreakingPoint for APS User Guide
for detailed information about
configuring and running tests.
Chapter 9 Getting Started with the BPS user interface
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