Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:MTESt Commands
Command Syntax
:MTESt:RMODe <rmode>
<rmode> ::= {FORever | SIGMa | TIME | WAVeforms}
The :MTESt:RMODe command specifies the termination conditions for the mask
• FORever — the mask test runs until it is turned off.
• SIGMa — the mask test runs until the Sigma level is reached. This level is set by
• TIME — the mask test runs for a fixed amount of time. The amount of time is set
by the
• WAVeforms — the mask test runs until a fixed number of waveforms are
acquired. The number of waveforms is set by the
on page 580 command.
Query Syntax
The :MTESt:RMODe? query returns the currently set termination condition.
Return Format
<rmode> ::= {FOR | SIGM | TIME | WAV}
See Also
"Introduction to :MTESt Commands"
Example Code