5.1. Fan work parameters.
Fan power [Π100]
- this value defines power of the fan. When „Πr” parameter is set to
„0-10” this is the maximum power of the fan which can be achieved during automatic
fan control.
Minimum fan power [n 40]
- lowest fan power which can be used when automatic
fan speed control is on and when fan speed is gradually increased during boiler start.
Fan speed decrease coefficient [Πh 2]
- this parameter influences the way fan
speed is reduced when boiler tremperature is approaching its desired value. E.g.
setting this parameter to 2 means that when the controller is in WORK mode and
boiler temperature is 2°C lower than desired boiler temperature the fan will work with
its maximum power [Π100]. Further increase of boiler temperature will cause fan
speed to be reduced gradually to its minimum power [n 40].
Automatic fan speed control [Πr 0]
- it is on, when this parameter is set to „0-10”
and causes automatic fan speed decrease when temperature of water in the boiler
reaches desired temperature. If this parameter is set to „-”, the fan automatic smooth
speed control is disabled and the fan can work with power set by „Π” parameter. When
this parameter is set to a value between 0 and 10 it defines time (in minutes) of
gradual increase of fan speed from its minimum value [n 40] to value [Π100] for
smooth start.
Fan work time [Πn15]
- time of turning the fan on for a while, to remove accumulated
gases. Setting the parameter to "--" turns this function off. This function can be active
in WORK mode.
Fan pause time [Nu 6]
- time between fan work periods.
5.2. Central heating pump parameters.
Central heating pump launch temperature [P 40]
– the value of temperature of the
water in the boiler which causes start of the central heating pump. Central heating
pump works independently from the control process and is launched additionally in
case of boiler overheat.
Central heating pump launch hysteresis [Ph 2]
- this parameter defines what value
should temperature decrease by, below central heating pump launch temperature so
that the pump turns off.
The work mode and pause time of CH pump [Pc 2]
- in STOP mode or when the
room thermostat circuit is not shorted, CO pump is turned on for 30 seconds to move
water in the heating system. This parameter controls the repeat time. Setting this
parameter to „--” turns this function off. In case of some heating systems the pump
should work independently of room thermostat. In such case the parameter should be
set to value „F”.