Fresh Water System
The 244CC features a fresh water system for the standard fresh water washdown and an optional hard top misting system.
Fresh Water Supply
Fresh water is stored in a 15 gallon tank located in the aft bilge directly behind the aft fuel tank bulkhead. Access to the tank is achieved through the aft
bilge access hatch. The tank features a fill line, vent line and supply line. These fittings should be checked annually. It is critical that only potable water
be used in the tank. Failure to do so will require overhaul of the entire freshwater system.
Fresh Water Fill and Vent
The fresh water tank is filled from a fill deck plate marked “WATER”. It is located on the starboard swim platform, inboard of the starboard livewell. Use
a Deck Plate Key to open the fill. Before filling the tank, verify the quality of the water and make sure area around the fill is free of containments that
could enter the tank. While filling, verify the tank is venting through the tank vent which is located directly above the fill. An absence of air escaping
from the vent may indicate a blockage or kink in the vent line. This will result in the tank failing to fill all the way which will show in water flowing out of
the fill well before coming out of the vent. It will also diminish the performance of the fresh water system as a blocked vent will create a vacuum in the
tank as water is used, thereby resulting in less water to the pump, continuous cycling of the pump and loss of water pressure. This could ultimately
result in damage to the pump. Check the vent line periodically to ensure there are no kinks or blocks.
Washdown Pump
The fresh water washdown system is fed by a pump that is located in the aft bilge on top of the port stringer. The pump is controlled by a switch and
circuit breaker (See Electrical Schematics). Water is supplied to the pump from the tank outlet located on the bottom of the tank and is gravity fed from
the weight of the water in the tank. This allows all 15 gallons to be used. The fresh water pump features an in-line strainer for collecting any debris that
could damage the pump. The strainer should be checked periodically and features a clear cap for easy inspection. If any debris is found, remove the
strainer screen by untwisting the clear cap and clean the screen. The pump features a built in pressure regulator that will shut the pump off when
pressure is achieved in the system. The fresh water washdown faucet is located on the port side under the gunwale cap, just forward of the console. If
the system has not been used for a period of time, it may be necessary to prime/bleed the system of any air. Before activating the pump, open the fresh
water washdown faucet and than switch on the pump. When the system is free of air, you can either close the faucet or shut off the pump. It is
important to check the washdown pump annually and periodically spray it with a corrosion inhibitor.
Hardtop Mister Pump (Optional)
As an optional upgrade for boats with hardtops, the 244 can be equipped with a mister system. The Mister system uses its own pump, separate from the
freshwater washdown pump. The freshwater pump does not need to be to use the mister system. The pump is located adjacent to the fresh water pump
on the side of the port stringer. The pump is controlled by a switch and circuit breaker (See Electrical Schematic). Fresh water is supplied to the mister
pump from a T-Connector in the main supply line from the tank. The mister pump features an in-line strainer for collecting any debris that could
damage the pump. The strainer should be checked periodically and features a clear cap for easy inspection. If any debris is found, remove the strainer
screen by untwisting the clear cap and clean the screen. The pump does not feature a pressure regulator and will run continuously when switched on.
System Operation and Maintenance
Only use potable fresh water in the system. Always verify there is sufficient quantity of water in the tank before activating either the washdown or
mister system. Insufficient water quantity will cause the pumps to run dry and may lead to failure/damage. Before using the freshwater system for the
first time on the water, fill the tank and cycle all the water out to ensure the tank is clean and free of contaminants. Afterwards check strainer(s) for
debris and clean if necessary.