cropped, quite manageable IMO. Your results may differ depending on your
sets’ overscan. Try large icons and a Windows Standard -large- Appearance for
a smooth, easy to read desktop and a neutral grey desktop color for even tube
wear. There are also utilities available to hide the desktop and mouse com-
pletely, such as Icon Hider and BZ (mouse) Hider.
I cannot stress this point enough: test on your PC monitor first, get a stable
picture with acceptable values, connect to your HDTV, then adjust as needed.
As always, results may vary according to manufacturer.
Here are several UPDATED interlaced custom T & R strings for the ATI Radeon
card, created with PowerStrip 3.28 build 342 and Catalyst 2.5 WinXP ATI driv-
Model KD-VTCA3