Pressing the "AVE." button after several
measurements can obtain the average
v a l u e o f t h e m e a s u r e d m o i s t u r e
contents. The average value calculated
f rom th e m easure d values of th e
measuring count 2 to 9 is displayed with
the average characters and number of
measurement times.
Note1: To obtain the average value of
m o i s t u r e c o n t e n t s , p r e s s t h e
"AVE ." but ton within 5 minutes
after measurement. After the last
measured value disappears, the
average calculation function does
not work.
The initial state is restored in the
following states:
• When the power is turned off
• When the "SELECT" button is pressed
• When the "AVE." button is pressed
• When the continuous measurement
count exceeds 9
Note 2: AVE characters are displayed while
an average value is displayed.
Average Value