DIRECTION – Compass heading in true or magnetic North.
WIND SPD – Wind Speed is the measurement of the wind
passing through the impeller. For greatest accuracy, point the
back of the Kestrel directly into the wind.
CROSWND – Crosswind uses the internal compass and a user
selected heading to calculate the crosswind component of
the full wind.
HEADWND – Headwind uses the internal compass and a
user selected heading or target direction to calculate the
headwind component of the full wind.
TEMP – Ambient Temperature is the temperature measured
at the thermistor. For best results, ensure the thermistor
is not exposed to direct sunlight and is exposed to good
CHILL – Wind Chill is a calculated value of the perceived
temperature based on temperature and wind speed.
HUMIDITY – Relative Humidity is the amount of moisture
currently held by the air as a percentage of the total possible
moisture that the air could hold.
HEAT INDEX – Heat Index is a calculated value of the
perceived temperature based on temperature and relative
DEW POINT – Dew Point is the temperature at which water
vapor will begin to condense out of the air.
WET BULB – Wet Bulb is the lowest temperature
that can be reached in the existing environment by
cooling through evaporation. Wet Bulb is always
equal to or lower than ambient temperature.
BARO – Barometric Pressure is the local
atmospheric pressure (also called station or
absolute pressure) adjusted to mean pressure. An
accurate reading depends on a correct altitude
input and unchanging altitude while measuring.
ALTITUDE – Altitude is the vertical distance above
mean sea level associated with given atmospheric
pressure. An accurate reading depends on correct
initial barometric pressure input and stable
barometric pressure while measuring.
STATION – Station Pressure (Absolute Pressure)
is the pressure exerted by the atmosphere at the
DENS ALT – Density Altitude is the altitude at
which the density of the theoretical standard
atmospheric conditions (ISA) would match the
actual local air density.
MOISTURE | HUM RATIO – Moisture Content
or Humidity Ratio is the ratio between the mass
of water vapor measured in the air to the mass
of dry air with no water vapor. (Not available in
Environmental models)