The Kestrel impeller calibration drift is less than
1% after 100 hours of use at 16 MPH | 7 m/s. Drift
increases with higher-speed use. For most users,
the impeller will provide accurate wind speed/air
flow readings for years if not physically damaged.
However, if your application requires extremely high
precision or if you perform frequent high-speed
readings, we recommend you replace your impeller
at one-year intervals. Every replacement impeller is
supplied with a certificate of conformity and restores
your Kestrel’s calibration upon installation.
Temperature Sensor
The Kestrel temperature sensor exhibits virtually
zero drift over time and generally does not require
recalibration for accurate performance during the
life of the product. If a calibration check is desired,
please contact Kestrel for options and pricing.
Pressure Sensor
The Kestrel pressure sensor drift may be up to 1
mbar over 12 months. which for practical purposes
means it will not require recalibration for the life of
the product. If a calibration check is desired, please
contact Kestrel for options and pricing.