V1.0 | 24.03.2020 |Page 1
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In order to provide the most updated technical documentation, as well as considering and
saving the environmental resources, Kerlink is preferably providing “Online documentation”.
Kerlink is gathering all the technical information on a Wiki: http://wikikerlink.fr/
ͳ If you don’t have yet your Wiki login/password please request them to
(note that the “Product ID” of one of your products will be required).
ͳ How to find the “Product ID”? Please look at the Wanesy
Wave sticker placed on
back side of the product enclosure.
On the Wiki, Kerlink is proposing a comprehensive set of documents and information for
ͳ Setup of Wanesy™ Wave: Connection to the network, Firmware update
ͳ System Management: Connection, login and credentials.
ͳ Network Management: Backhaul configuration, Firewall, IPsec / OpenVPN.
ͳ LoRa® Features, KerOS customization, Support and resources (FAQ, Troubleshoot the
gateway …)