KLN 750W 121912
The factory default for the DHCP function default is ON. Leave this set to ON to allow a DHCP
server to set the IP address. If there is no DHCP server available, refer to PAR. 3.3.19 to set
DHCP to OFF, then either refer to PAR. 3.3.20 through PAR. 3.3.23 to set the static IP address
from the front panel or refer to PAR. 3.3.44 to reset the IP address to the default value
1. Refer to PAR. 3.3.32 through PAR. 3.3.35 to view the IP address.
2. Enter the IP address of the unit in the browser and press ENTER on the computer keyboard.
This launches the Instrument home page. This allows viewing of the following information
about the unit: Model, Manufacturer, Serial Number, Firmware Revision, Visa Resource,
Description, MAC Address, IP Address and Subnet Mask. This information can not be mod-
ified from the browser
3. Click IP Configuration in the front page to view the TCP/IP Mode, IP address, Subnet Mask,
Default Gateway and Socket Listening Port (see Figure 3-6).
The user can change the Socket Listening Port by keying in the new port number and click-
ing Apply. The new port number must then be used to communicate with the unit in the fol-
lowing steps.