KLN 750W 121912
15.Connect a digital voltmeter (DVM) to the (+S) and (-S) terminals on the rear panel. Verify that
DVM shows there is no output voltage from the power supply.
16.Press red OUT key. Verify that red LED at left of OUT key goes on.
17.Compare the programmed output voltage value (e.g., 30.00V for 30V model per step 11) with
the voltage reading of the DVM; Verify that the difference between the two does not exceed
±0.1% ± 3C
18.Compare the voltage reading of Voltage Display with that of the DVM; Verify that the differ-
ence between the two does not exceed ±0.2% ± 3C
19.Disable the output by pressing the OUT key; verify front panel Voltage and Current displays
show programmed values of Voltage and Current, respectively and DVM reads 0V.
20.Set power switch to OFF. The unit issues a long beep as it powers down. Disconnect unit
from source power, then disconnect test equipment.
(*) C = 1 count of the last displayed digit.
One or two (side by side) KLN 750W units can be mounted in a standard 19-inch rack. The units
are 1U high and do not require any gaps between equipment above and below. Airflow is front
to back only. Use the RA 81-1 Mounting Kit (see Table 1-4) to mount a single unit. Use Mounting
Kit RA 81-2 (optional, see Table 1-4) to mount two half-rack units side by side in a 19-inch rack.
1. On one side of the unit, mount one L-type bracket with knob (supplied with unit) to the unit
using two screws supplied with unit.
2. Mount the U-type bracket supplied in the Kit to the other side of the unit using two screws
supplied in Kit.
3. Mount the other L-type bracket with knob (supplied with unit) to the end of the U-type bracket
using two screws supplied with unit. The knobs can now be used to support the assembled
unit while installing in a 19-inch rack.