Kenwood TK 3230 - FreeTalk XLS UHF Service Manual Download Page 7



5. To switch the clone source to Clone mode, press and 

hold the [PTT] and [MONI] keys while turning the trans-
ceiver power ON.

6. Keep holding [PTT] and [MONI] keys for 1 second. Trans-

ceiver sound key on tone and enters Clone mode with 

” display.

7. Wait for 2 seconds. Transceiver displays ”


8. Select the same channel table number as the clone tar-


9. Press [PTT] on the clone source to begin data transmis-

sion. When the clone target starts to receive data, the 
LED will light green.

  W h e n  t h e  c l o n e  s o u r c e  f i n i s h e s  s e n d i n g  d a t a ,  a 

”confi rmation” tone will sound with ”

” displayed.

  If data transmission fails while cloning, an ”error” tone 

will sound from the Target unit with ”

” displayed.

10. If the cloning fails, no data will be available in the Target 

unit when it is returned to User mode.

11. When the cloning is successful, the Target unit’s ”Scan”, 

”Key Lock” and ”Super Lock” functions will return to 
their default values (Scan = OFF, Key Lock = OFF, Super 
Lock = OFF).

12. After clone has completed, it is necessary for the Target 

unit to set its required ID Type of ID List for FleetSync.

  This can be done by using unit’s ID List Setting Mode.


•  The dealer can clone data to two or more transceivers by 

repeating the above procedures.

•  If the transceiver’s Clone Mode is configured as 

”Disabled”, the transceiver cannot enter Clone mode.

•  The table shown below will cover the frequencies used 

for wireless cloning.

•  A unit cannot be a ”Source Unit” if it is unprogrammed. If 

[PTT] is pressed, an ”error” tone will sound.

•  Once a unit is set to be the Source, it cannot be a target 

after the data has been transmitted. This protects the 
data in the Source unit.

•  If the Target unit is cloned unsuccessfully, ”error” tone 

will sound with ”

” display.

•  After 4 seconds, Target unit returns to display ”


”xx” means the last selected channel table number.

•  The Source unit and Target unit must be of the same 

model type and destination in order for Clone to operate.

•  It is not possible to read/write setup data from the clone 

source/target when it is in Clone mode.  But it will trigger 
to go to cloning mode (TX) when try  to read/write.

•  Electronic interface may cause a failure in data transfer 

during Wireless Clone, such as when waveforms or elec-
tromagnetics are being performed at the workbench.

•  Clone mode can be used ONLY by the authorized service 


•  The Clone mode setting must be confi gured as ”Disable” 

before being delivered to the end-user.

•  When wireless Clone mode is used, the environment 

must ensure that the radio wave does not leak to outside.

•  The transmit output power is automatically set to Low in 

Clone mode.

•  Battery saver function is automatically set to off in Clone 


5. 如需将复制源切换到复制模式,请在打开对讲机电源的同

时按住 [PTT] 和 [MONI] 键。

6. 按住 [PTT] 和 [MONI] 键 1 秒钟。对讲机响起键音并进入复


7. 等候 2 秒钟。对讲机显示“

8. 选择与复制目标相同的信道表号。
9. 按复制源上的 [ P T T ] 开始数据发射。复制目标开始接收数

据时,LED 将会点亮绿色。

  复 制 源 发 送 数 据 完 成 时, 将 会 响 起“ 确 认 ” 音 并 显 示



10. 如果复制失败,则复制目标返回到用户模式时没有任何数


11. 复制成功时,复制目标的“扫描”


锁定”功能将会返回到各自的默认值 ( 扫描 = O F F,按键锁
定 =OFF,超级锁定 =OFF)。

12. 复制完成后,复制目标需要设置 FleetSync 对应 ID 列表

的 ID 类型。

  使用对讲机的 ID 列表设置模式即可完成。

注意 :

•  通过重复上述操作,经销商可以将数据复制到两台或多台


•  如果对讲机的复制模式被配置为“禁用”



•  下表涵盖无线复制所用的频率。
•  如果未经编程,


。此时按 [PTT]


•  出于保护复制源数据的目的,对讲机一旦被设置为复制源,


•  如果复制目标没有成功复制,则将会响起“错误”音并显


•  4 秒钟后,复制目标返回“


“x x”表示最新


•  为了能够进行复制操作,复制源和复制目标的机型和型号


•  处于复制模式时,无法读 / 写复制源 / 目标的设置数据。

但在尝试读 / 写时将会触发进入复制模式 (TX)。

•  无线复制期间,电子干扰可能会导致数据传送失败,例如


•  复制模式只能由授权服务人员使用。
•  交付最终用户之前,复制模式设置必须配置为“禁用”

•  使用无线复制模式时,必须确保无线电波不会向外部泄漏


•  在复制模式下,发射输出功率自动设置为低。
•  在复制模式下,电池省电功能自动设置为关。



Summary of Contents for TK 3230 - FreeTalk XLS UHF

Page 1: ...plies with the RoHS directive for the European market This product uses Lead Free solder 2007 11 PRINTED IN JAPAN B51 8808 00 N 486 C VERSION TK 3230 UHF FM TRANSCEIVER UHF 调频对讲机 Cover Antenna cap F07 1929 03 Knob VOL K29 9397 03 Cap B09 0710 03 Plastic cabinet assy Front A02 4025 13 Button knob PTT K29 9398 03 Key top K29 9399 02 ...

Page 2: the right to make changes to any products herein at any time for improvement purposes 文档版权信息 Kenwood Corporation 拥有版权 2007 保留所有权利 未经 Kenwood 公司预先书面同意 无论出于何种目的 均 不得以任何形式或任何方式包括电子 机械 影印 录音或 其他方式复制 翻译 分发或传播本手册的任何部分 免责声明 Kenwood 公司在准备本文档时已采取所有必要的预防措施 恕不对错误或疏漏承担任何责任 也不对因使用本文中所含 的信息而导致的损害负责 Kenwood 公司保留出于改进的需要 而随时对文中的产品信息做出更改的权利 概 述 2 模式组合 4 电路说明 8 半导体数据 15 元件说明 17 零 件 表 19 部件分解图 24 包 装 25 调 整 26 PC ...

Page 3: ...ither Service Bulletins or Manual Revisions These are issued as required ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS When ordering replacement parts or equipment informa tion the full part identification number should be included This applies to all parts components kits or chassis If the part number is not known include the chassis or kit number of which it is a part and a sufficient description of the re quired ...

Page 4: here Microphone 麦克风 Speaker 扬声器 Antenna 天线 B 2 2 PC Mode 2 1 Preface The transceiver is programmed by using a personal com puter a programming interface KPG 22 22A USB adapter KCT 53U and programming software KPG 108D The programming software can be used with an IBM PC or compatible Figure 1 shows the setup of an IBM PC for programming 2 2 Connection Procedure 1 Connect the transceiver to the p...

Page 5: ... with driver software in the computer The KCT 53U driver runs under Windows 2000 or XP 2 5 Programming Software Description The KPG 108D is the programming software for the trans ceiver supplied on a CD ROM The software on this disk allows a user to program the transceiver radios via Program ming interface cable KPG 22 2 6 Programming with IBM PC If data is transferred to the transceiver from an I...

Page 6: ...e or more transceivers via RF communication The clone source and clone target s must be in Clone mode 3 3 Operation 1 To switch the clone target s to Clone mode press and hold the PTT and MONI keys while turning the trans ceiver power ON 2 Keep holding PTT and MONI keys for 1 second Trans ceiver sound key on tone and enters Clone mode with display 3 Wait for 2 seconds Transceiver displays 4 Select...

Page 7: ...ed unsuccessfully error tone will sound with display After 4 seconds Target unit returns to display xx means the last selected channel table number The Source unit and Target unit must be of the same model type and destination in order for Clone to operate It is not possible to read write setup data from the clone source target when it is in Clone mode But it will trigger to go to cloning mode TX ...

Page 8: ...t mixer Q203 First Mixer The signal that reaches Q203 is mixed with the first local signal from the VCO to produce a first IF signal 38 85MHz Receive frequency First local frequency First IF frequency 38 85MHz The first IF signal passes through MCF XF200 monolithic crystal filter to remove unwanted signals The first IF signal is amplified by IF amplifier Q201 and goes to IF IC IC200 Fig 1 Frequenc...

Page 9: ...The IF signal coming from the IF amplifier Q201 goes to the IF IC mixer and is mixed with the second local sig nal 38 4MHz to produce a second IF signal 38 85MHz 38 4MHz 450kHz The tripled PLL reference oscillation 12 8MHz x 3 is used for the second local signal 项 目 额 定 标称中心频率 fo 38 85MHz 通过带宽 3dB 时 5 0kHz 或更大 衰减带宽 35dB 时 18 5kHz 或更小 纹波 1 0dB 或更小 插入损耗 4 0dB 或更小 保证衰减 fo 900kHz 时 70dB 或更大 终端阻抗 610Ω ...

Page 10: ...hing the demodulation level The WIDE low level and NARROW high level data is output from IC403 pin 69 When a Wide low level data is received Q200 turn on When a NARROW high level data is received Q200 turn off Q200 turns off on with the wide narrow data and the IC200 detector output level is switched to maintained a con stant output level during wide or narrow signals 第二中频信号通过陶瓷滤波器 CF200 消除不需要的信号 ...

Page 11: ... the antenna The transmission output is about 1 5W with 3 8V DC sup ply at battery terminal Low Pass Filter Circuit A three stage Chebyshev type low pass filter is located between the antenna and transmit receive switching circuit It removes harmonic components contained in the transmis sion output 发射系统 麦克风放大器电路 麦克风的音频信号通过麦克风放大器 IC302 随后信号 通过具有 6dB oct 预加重电路 带通滤波器 300 3kHz 放大器和限幅器的基带 IC IC300 音频频带...

Page 12: ...25kHz 5kHz PLL comparison fre quency in the PLL IC This PLL IC can generate a channel step which is twice of the PLL comparison frequency Hence the PLL IC can di rectly generate channel step by 12 5kHz 10kHz Beside an external control voltage of TCXO is used to shift TCXO ref erence frequency by 6 25kHz 5kHz to achive channel step with 6 25kHz 5kHz generate in the PLL IC PLL 系统 VCO 电路 VCO 外嵌屏蔽罩 VC...

Page 13: ...detected signal input to IC403 for stop the MCU function IC400 is detected the reset voltage Battery Voltage Detection Circuit The unit detects a low battery voltage and display the BATT indicator on the LCD The battery voltage is divided and applied to the analog value input pin BATT of the MCU and converted to a digital signal Power Supply Circuit The power supply voltage is maintained to 3 0V b...

Page 14: ... VCO modulation Through the VR300 Decode Receive Detected AF signal go to IC300 and then IC301 Function of IC301 is LPF for sub audible frequency This signal goes to IC403 pin 77 TI IC403 is detected the QT or DQT 仅在发射模式下 MCU 打开 Q404 时 发射电源 3T 才为发射 输出电路供电 仅在接收模式下 MCU 打开 Q406 时 接收电源 3R 才为接收 及中频电路供电 在发射和接收模式下 MCU 打开 Q405 时 发射 接收电源 3C 为 VCO 及 PLL 电路供电 如果 10 秒钟内没有接收到任何信号 MCU 进入省电模式 然后根据 MCU 的信号循环打开公共电...

Page 15: ...V3 V0 32 VCC O 3V Power supply 33 BACK LT O Back light 34 36 COM3 COM1 37 PTT I 38 UP I 39 DOWN I 40 MONI I 41 MENU I 42 CALL I 43 EEPDATA I O EEPROM data 44 EEPCLK O EEPROM clock MCU D338327A22WV TX RX 单元 IC403 端子功能 管脚号 信号名称 输入 输出 功 能 1 SP DET 输入 耳机检测 2 AVSS GND 3 X1 4 X2 5 VSS GND 6 OSC2 晶体 7 3728MHz 7 OSC1 晶体 7 3728MHz 8 TEST 输入 9 RESET 复位 10 SCLK 输出 串行时钟 11 POW CON 输出 自动功率控制 12 BEEP 输出 提示音输出 1...

Page 16: ...ting 16V 5V 0 3A 3W Tc 25 C 150 C 55 150 C FET RQA0002DNS TX RX unit Q104 Absolute Maximum Rating Ta 25 C Item VDSS VGSS ID Pch Tch Tstg Rating 16V 5V 3 8A 15W Tc 25 C 150 C 55 150 C SEMICONDUCTOR DATA 半导体数据 管脚号 信号名称 输入 输出 功 能 45 MIC MUTE 输出 麦克风静音 46 SHIFT 输出 拍频偏移 47 PDATA 输出 串行数据 48 PCLK 输出 串行时钟 49 PEN 输出 PLL IC 芯片选择 50 3MSC 输出 IC300 电源 51 PABC 输出 末级开关 52 SP AMP 输出 AF AMP 打开 关闭 53 68 SEG LCD 69 W...

Page 17: ...witch Q303 Transistor MIC mute AGC Q400 Transistor DC switch Back Light Q401 Transistor DC switch Busy Q402 Transistor DC switch TX Q403 408 Transistor Beat shift switch Q404 Transistor DC switch 3T Q405 Transistor DC switch 3C Q406 Transistor DC switch 3R D1 Diode Current Steering D2 Variable capaci tance Diode Frequency control TX RX 单元 X57 7330 10 有关号码 名 称 说 明 IC1 IC 锁相环路系统 IC100 IC DAC IC200 I...

Page 18: ...mute AGC switch D304 Diode Reverse protection D305 Diode Surge absorption D306 307 Zener Diode Voltage protection D308 Zener Diode Surge absorption D400 LED LCD Backlight D401 LED TX BUSY COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION 元件说明 有关号码 名 称 说 明 D3 二极管 失锁检测 D4 可变电容二极管 TX 调制 D5 二极管 电流导引 D6 7 二极管 RF 开关 D101 200 201 二极管 天线开关 D300 二极管 开关 D301 二极管 AGC 检测 D302 二极管 AF 检测 D303 二极管 麦克风静音 AGC 开关 D304 二极管 逆向保护 D305 二极管 电涌吸收 ...

Page 19: ...70PF K C27 CC73HCH1H150G CHIP C 15PF G C28 CC73HCH1H110G CHIP C 11PF G C29 CC73HCH1H101J CHIP C 100PF J C30 CK73GB1H103K CHIP C 0 010UF K C31 32 CC73HCH1H100D CHIP C 10PF D C33 CC73HCH1H0R5B CHIP C 0 5PF B C34 35 CC73HCH1H100D CHIP C 10PF D C36 37 CC73HCH1H101J CHIP C 100PF J C38 CK73HB1H471K CHIP C 470PF K C39 CC73HCH1H101J CHIP C 100PF J C40 CS77AA0J220M CHIP TNTL 22UF 6 3WV C41 CC73HCH1H050B CH...

Page 20: ...P C 1 0UF K C319 CK73HB1H272K CHIP C 2700PF K C320 CK73FB0J106K CHIP C 10UF K C321 CK73HB1H471K CHIP C 470PF K C322 323 CK73HB1A104K CHIP C 0 10UF K C324 CC73HCH1H180J CHIP C 18PF J C325 CK73GB0J475K CHIP C 4 7UF K C326 CK73HB1A104K CHIP C 0 10UF K C327 CK73HB1A683K CHIP C 0 068UF K C328 CK73GB0J475K CHIP C 4 7UF K C329 CC73HCH1H181J CHIP C 180PF J C330 331 CK73HB1A473K CHIP C 0 047UF K C332 333 C...

Page 21: ...FIXED INDUCTOR 39 0NH L217 L41 1092 44 SMALL FIXED INDUCTOR 1UH L218 L79 1807 05 FILTER L219 222 L34 4563 05 AIR CORE COIL L300 301 L92 0138 05 CHIP FERRITE L400 L92 0140 05 CHIP FERRITE L401 402 L92 0138 05 CHIP FERRITE L403 L92 0140 05 CHIP FERRITE L404 407 L92 0161 05 BEADS CORE L408 L40 2781 86 SMALL FIXED INDUCTOR 0 27UH L409 L40 3363 57 SMALL FIXED INDUCTOR 3 3NH L410 L92 0149 05 CHIP FERRIT...

Page 22: ... CHIP R 47K J 1 16W R335 RK73HB1J102J CHIP R 1 0K J 1 16W R336 RK73HB1J223J CHIP R 22K J 1 16W R338 RK73HB1J153J CHIP R 15K J 1 16W R339 RK73HB1J000J CHIP R 0 0 J 1 16W R340 RK73HB1J472J CHIP R 4 7K J 1 16W R342 343 RK73HB1J102J CHIP R 1 0K J 1 16W R344 345 RK73HB1J104J CHIP R 100K J 1 16W R346 RK73HB1J472J CHIP R 4 7K J 1 16W R347 RK73HB1J560J CHIP R 56 J 1 16W R348 RK73HB1J104J CHIP R 100K J 1 1...

Page 23: ...200 201 HSC277 DIODE D300 DA221 DIODE D301 302 RB706F 40 DIODE D303 DAN222 DIODE D304 GN1G DIODE D305 308 KDZ3 3V ZENER DIODE IC1 TB31202FNG MOS IC IC100 BH2219FVM ANALOGUE IC IC200 TA31136FNG MOS IC IC300 AK2346 MOS IC IC301 NJM2100V ZB MOS IC IC302 TK62012F MOS IC IC303 LM4865M N BI POLAR IC IC400 XC61CN2802N MOS IC IC401 XC61CN2702N MOS IC IC403 D338327A22WV MICROCONTROLLER IC IC404 BH30FB1WG M...

Page 24: ...IEW 部件分解图 Parts with the exploded numbers larger than 700 are not supplied A B 1 2 3 22 18 2 23 27 8 104 21 12 10 28 A 1 700 4 Cx2 Cx2 C TX RX unit 701 102 103 101 TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX A N14 0840 05 C M2 x 6 N80 2006 43 ...

Page 25: ...rts with the exploded numbers larger than 700 are not supplied C D 1 2 3 5 Instruction manual B62 2028 00 702 Protection bag 19 Hook assy J29 0736 05 25 Screw set N99 2063 05 704 Packing fixture 16 Item carton case H52 2218 02 ...

Page 26: ... 12 AF Generator AG 1 Frequency range 100Hz to 100kHz 2 Output 0 5mV to 1V 13 Distortion Meter 1 Measurable frequency 30Hz to 100kHz 2 Input level 50mV to 10Vrms Service Jig ANT cable E30 3418 08 Modify the cable as shown below Cut Solder the ANT cable to the ANT terminal on the TX RX unit GND ANT terminal TX RX unit ANT cable Battery jig W05 1365 00 Connect the power cable properly between the ba...

Page 27: ... 等效负载 1 8Ω 1W 或更大 12 音频发生器 AG 1 频率范围 100Hz 100kHz 2 输出 0 5mV 1V 13 失真仪 1 可测频率 30Hz 100kHz 2 输入电平 50mV 10Vrms 维修夹具 ANT 电缆 E30 3418 08 如下所示修改电缆 切断 将 ANT 电缆焊接到 TX RX 单元的 ANT 端子 GND ANT端子 TX RX单元 ANT电缆 电池夹具 W05 1365 00 将电源线正确连接对讲机安装的电池夹具与电源 并且打 开电源之前确认输出电压和电源极性 否则过电压和逆向连 接可能会损坏对讲机或 和电源 注意 使用电池夹具时 必须测量电池夹具端子处的电压 否则 电源与电池夹具之间的电源线可能会发生微小的压降 尤其是对讲机发射时 测试信令 号 接 收 发 射 1 无 无 2 无 100Hz 方波 3 QT 67 0Hz QT 67 0H...

Page 28: ...g cable SP MIC jack PC key Adjust to the center frequency Within 100Hz 2 Frequency shift 6 25kHz 1 PC tune CH TX 460 00625MHz PTT ON Adjust to the desired frequency Within 100Hz 3 Frequency shift 5kHz 1 PC tune CH TX 460 005MHz PTT ON 4 High transmit power 1 PC tune CH TX center Power meter DC ammeter Adjust it to 1 5W 0 1W Less than 1 6A 2 Test mode CH TX low high PTT ON Check 1 15 1 85W Less tha...

Page 29: ... PTT 开启 频率计数 器 ANT 夹 具电缆 SP MIC 插孔 PC 键 调整到中心频率 100Hz 以内 2 频率偏移 6 25kHz 1 PC 同调 CH TX 460 00625MHz PTT 开启 调整到想要的频率 100Hz 以内 3 频率偏移 5kHz 1 PC 同调 CH TX 460 005MHz PTT 开启 4 高发射功率 1 PC 同调 CH TX 中心 功率表 直流安培 表 调整到 1 5W 0 1W 1 6A 或更低 2 测试模式 CH TX 低 高 PTT 开启 检查 1 15 1 85W 1 6A 或更低 5 低发射功率 1 PC 同调 CH TX 中心 PTT 开启 PC 键 调整到 0 55W 0 1W 0 9A 或更低 2 测试模式 CH TX 低 高 PTT 开启 检查 300 800mW 0 9A 或更低 6 DQT 平衡 1 测试模式 CH ...

Page 30: ... Linear detector filter LPF 3kHz PTT ON Linear detector PC key Adjust it to 0 75kHz 0 05kHz 2 PC tune CH TX center Narrow QT 151 4Hz Linear detector filter LPF 3kHz PTT ON Adjust it to 0 35kHz 0 05kHz 10 DQT fine deviation 1 PC tune CH TX center Wide DQT 023N Linear detector filter LPF 3kHz PTT ON Adjust it to 0 75kHz 0 05kHz 2 PC tune CH TX center Narrow DQT 023N Linear detector filter LPF 3kHz P...

Page 31: ...TX 中心 宽 QT 151 4Hz 调制分析滤波器 LPF 3kHz PTT 开启 线性检波 器 PC 键 调整到 0 75kHz 0 05kHz 2 PC 同调 CH TX 中心 窄 QT 151 4Hz 调制分析滤波器 LPF 3kHz PTT 开启 调整到 0 35kHz 0 05kHz 10 DQT 细频偏 1 PC 同调 CH TX 中心 宽 DQT 023N 调制分析滤波器 LPF 3kHz PTT 开启 调整到 0 75kHz 0 05kHz 2 PC 同调 CH TX 中心 窄 DQT 023N 调制分析滤波器 LPF 3kHz PTT 开启 调整到 0 35kHz 0 05kHz 11 MSK 细频偏 1 PC 同调 CH TX 中心 宽 MSK 调制分析滤波器 LPF 15kHz PTT 开启 调整到 3 0kHz 0 1kHz 2 CH TX 中心 窄 MSK 调制...

Page 32: ...SG output 116dBm 0 35µV SSG MOD 1kHz SSG DEV 1 5kHz 2 Squelch level open 1 PC tune CH RX center Wide SSG output 120dBm SSH MOD 1kHz SSG DEV 3 0kHz PC key Adjust to open the squelch 2 PC tune CH RX center Narrow SSG output 120dBm SSH MOD 1kHz SSG DEV 1 5kHz Adjustment Points BATT External power supply terminal Fasten it with an alligator clip LV VCO lock voltage measurement VR300 DQT balance adjust...

Page 33: ... SSG输出 116dBm 0 35µV SSG 调制 1kHz SSG 频偏 1 5kHz 2 静噪电平 打开 1 PC 同调 CH RX 中心 宽 SSG 输出 120dBm SSH 调制 1kHz SSG 频偏 3 0kHz PC 键 调整到打开静噪 2 PC 同调 CH RX 中心 窄 SSG 输出 120dBm SSH 调制 1kHz SSG 频偏 1 5kHz 调整点 BATT 外部电源端子 采用弹簧夹将其固定 LV VCO 锁定电压测量 VR300 DQT 平衡调整 VR301 S1 PTT J300 EXT SP MIC VR300 TX RX unit Component side BATT BATT LV BPF MIC PTT TXD LCD ANT 3C 3T LV RSSI BUSY 3M TX RX unit Foil side BATT INT SP INT ...

Page 34: ...433 R14 R15 R16 C1 R1 R3 R5 R8 C440 R4 C20 C21 C32 C41 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 R435 R444 R445 R469 R482 D3 C455 Q303 R100 R302 R304 R306 R307 R308 R309 R310 R311 L7 R321 R324 R325 R327 R329 L13 L14 C101 R333 R335 R338 C304 R340 R342 C307 C308 R346 C310 C311 C312 C320 C322 C323 VR300 C327 R363 C328 R26 C330 C332 C333 R30 C336 R43 R44 D300 D303 IC100 1 4 5 8 L411 L412 X1 C17 R471 Q101 B C E E G L101 R11...

Page 35: ...01 Q202 Q203 L206 L210 L211 L212 L214 L409 L221 J300 EXT SP MIC 4 R200 R201 R202 8 C19 R205 R206 R207 R208 R209 Q103 G G D S D Q104 L102 L103 TH102 C121 C125 C128 C29 D S C33 C45 C459 L104 L10 Q1 R29 R40 L408 C36 C39 D5 L6 L8 L16 R21 R25 Q2 C15 XF200 C27 C209 C210 C212 L5 R20 R360 Q6 C361 R211 R213 R219 R220 R222 R223 R224 R226 R234 C218 C220 C222 C225 C236 C239 C242 C244 C246 C248 L107 L108 L111 ...

Page 36: ... L407 L217 R351 R357 PTT MIC IM PTT C349 C360 TXD TXD SPG AFO SPK LCD R347 Q401 ANT Q402 D400 Q400 3C MENU MON 3T TK 3230 PC BOARD PC板 TX RX UNIT X57 7330 10 Foil side view J79 0103 19 Ref No Address IC303 9Q IC403 4N IC405 7M Q301 8Q Q400 10E Q401 8B Ref No Address Q402 8B Q403 6M Q408 6N D304 4Q D305 3F D306 5H Ref No Address D307 5H D308 5B D400 10E D401 7A ...

Page 37: ...403 1 20 40 60 61 80 41 21 IC405 1 4 5 8 C P 4 0 0 C P 4 0 1 C P 4 0 2 TH101 R339 R345 R348 R365 C339 C343 D304 Q408 L401 L402 L403 L406 L410 R434 R406 R407 R441 F300 C444 C445 C446 C448 C460 R413 R414 R428 R429 C211 R442 R443 X400 C417 C422 C423 C431 R472 C437 R475 C443 R336 C331 C341 C364 Q403 L404 L405 C426 L301 MIC300 R343 C351 C354 IC303 1 4 5 8 CALL 3T LV RSSI BUSY 3M BATT INT SP INT SP SB B...

Page 38: ...2278 05 R490 47k R491 100k IC403 D338327A22WV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 SAVE 22 3RC 23 3TC 24 GLED 25 RLED 26 CVCC 27 VSS 28 V3 29 V2 30 V1 31 V0 32 VCC 33 BACKLIT 34 COM3 35 COM2 36 COM1 37 PTT 38 UP 39 DOWN 40 MONI 41 MENU 42 CALL 43 EEPDATA 44 EEPCLK 45 MIC MUTE 46 SHIFT 47 PDATA 48 PCLK 49 PEN 50 3MSC 51 PABC 52 SP AMP 53 SEG 54 SEG 55 SEG 56 SEG 57 SEG 58 SEG 59 SE...

Page 39: ...4 V 5 B INPUT 6 B INPUT 7 BoUTPUT 8 V R314 56k R310 100k R317 33k R318 100k R327 68k C330 0 047u R306 150k C323 0 1u R332 82k C312 0 047u C320 10u R322 18k C326 0 1u C316 220p R323 470k R329 100k R325 330 R328 1M R309 100k C307 1u D300 DA221 C303 9p C304 0 056u R307 0 C310 0 047u C318 1u R330 100k R339 0 C331 0 047u C360 100p C361 100p C444 0 1u C445 470p C446 1u L407 2SC4919 Q303 C340 1u C408 470...

Page 40: ...k C204 1000p C35 10p D5 MA2S111 F C206 270p C210 10u C10 10u CF200 R207 3 3k Q200 KRA304E P R26 0 C215 0 01u C211 0 22u C48 470p C23 0 01u R24 0 C34 10p 2SC4082 Q201 C213 470p C30 0 01u D3 MA2S111 F R9 56k C17 100p C50 3p C51 3p C52 5p C53 8p C54 5p L13 12n L14 12n R40 10k C440 100p C57 100p C58 100p L15 L16 R43 10k R42 10k C451 100p R473 180k TH101 B57331V2104J 100k C455 1u C456 0 1u L408 270n L4...

Page 41: ...25 15p C237 68p C100 470p C126 470p C261 10p C224 10p L222 C250 470p R39 3 3k C134 100p C219 0 01u R233 560k C111 0 1u R215 560 C221 0 018u C231 0 01u R221 47k C120 470p C121 27p C465 1u R231 0 L103 18n L109 L219 R220 68k C240 0 01u 2SC5092 F Q101 L217 1u L211 270n L209 330n C234 470p C123 27p C247 C236 24p L214 27n L106 2 2n R128 0 C125 5p C128 27p C252 47p C55 100p C359 100p C136 1u C138 0 1u C1...

Page 42: ...0 2143 05 D401 B30 2278 05 Q400 DTC114EE Q401 DTC114EE Q402 DTC114EE IC400 XC61CN2902N IC401 XC61CN2802N SB BAT CALL PTT MENU UP DOWN EEPROM 3M EEPCLK EEPDATA IC406 BR24L01AFJ W LCD SEG COM1 COM3 CALL PTT MENU UP DOWN Crystal Oscillator X400 L77 3036 05 7 37MHz SPAMP 3M IC403 D338327A22WV MCU R417 R416 C2 C6 C11 R3 R5 R8 R10 Low Pass Filter C432 C434 R444 R445 Power switch SB LED RLED GLED TCXO Vo...

Page 43: ...lithic Rx 460 00 470 000MHz Amp Amp Volume Volume emphasis Pre Low Pass High Pass Filter Filter Scrambler De Scrambler Limiter platter De emphasis olume PTT Mic Amp Mic 3M AGC Mute 3M IC302 1 2 TK62012F Q303 2SC4919 D303 DAN222 D301 RB706F 40 MICMUTE VOX Amp 3M IC302 2 2 TK62012F D300 DA221 D302 RB706F 40 VOX AF Power Amp IC303 LM4865M RXAF BEEP AGNDIN AGND Base Band IC IC300 AK2346 RXLPFO Low Pas...

Page 44: the AF vol output when set to 53dBm and obtain the level shown on an AF VTVM 284 5mVrms RF center RF center MIC AF 1kHz 4 2 IC300 7 3 COMP LIM 12 5mVrms IC302 61 2mVrms 166 8mVrms C18 D4 VR300 Q5 20 8dBm 1 85dBm 8 5dBm 19 4dBm 32dBm ANT 1 5W Q6 C43 C44 D7 D6 C101 C113 C120 C134 Q101 Q103 Q104 To make measurements in the AF section connect the AC level meter In the RF section use a 1000pF coupli...

Page 45: ...rge current 1050mA 5 Charge voltage at battery charging terminals 4 5V 1 End of charge current 200mA 20mA Rapid charge time Less than 150min Low voltage battery charge timer 90min Rapid charge timer 150min Starting charge temperature range 0 C T 40 C On charge temperature range 0 C T 57 C 规格 充电电流 1050mA 5 充电电压 电池充电端子处 4 5V 1 充电端 电流 200mA 20mA 快速充电时间 少于 150 分 低压电池充电定时器 90 分钟 快速充电定时器 150 分钟 开始充电温度范围...

Page 46: ...harging current 200mA 20mA Timer 180min Vocv 4 0V 0 1V Vocv 4 4V 0 1V Vocv 3 65V 0 1V I O Timer stop Finish charge LED Green Rapid charge Constant current 1050mA 5 Constant voltage 4 5V 1 for Li ion LED Red 180min timer start Error battery LED Red flash Go to start When T contact is off Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes Charg...

Page 47: ...or Vchg 2 55V 0 1V T 57 C 2 C or T 2 C 2 C 2 C 2 C T 45 C 2 C Vchg 4 1V 0 1V 10分钟后 充电电流 200mA 20mA 定时器 180分钟 Vocv 4 0V 0 1V Vocv 4 4V 0 1V Vocv 3 65V 0 1V I O 定时器停止 完成充电 LED 绿色 快速充电 恒定电流 1050mA 5 恒定电压 4 5V 1 用于锂离子 LED 红色 180分钟定时器开始 电池错误 LED 红色闪烁 T触点关闭时返回开始 否 否 否 否 否 否 否 否 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 否 否 否 否 否 否 否 否 否 是 充电电压为4 5V 高于通常的最大电池电压 Vbattery 4 2V 0 3V偏移电压作为电池内部的二极管Vf Vchg 充电时的充电电压 Vbattery Vf ...

Page 48: ...9 R8 R11 C23 C22 R15 R14 R21 R16 C27 B15 B4 R9 C19 C18 B11 B5 R1 B1 C1 R12 C51 B21 B17 C69 D6 D5 D10 D9 D8 R30 R36 R35 R34 R27 C64 C63 C62 C73 B14 B8 R29 R17 R3 C15 C55 B20 R33 C35 B18 R31 C70 C68 C67 C66 C65 C61 R37 R26 B16 C60 D7 C71 D4 R23 R24 B7 B13 R28 C56 R5 B9 U1 1 7 8 14 R13 B6 C25 C24 B3 B2 R19 R18 R10 B22 R6 B10 C6 B12 Q1 C B E PC Board 印刷电路板 Component side view 元件面视图 PC Board 印刷电路板 Foil...

Page 49: ... C69 C70 LED1 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 3 U3 B18 R30 C71 C34 R33 B21 B17 X1 1 2 D8 C57 C62 C63 JK6 14 12 13 U1D B6 B2 B3 B4 B5 R13 R14 C25 C24 C27 2 1 JK9 R17 R16 R15 R6 R7 R19 R18 VCC1 VCC2 VCC1 B13 B7 JK10 B14 VR1 VR2 3 3 1 1 2 2 B1 L2 B24 2 1 B11 B10 R5 R3 R1 R2 B9 B15 7 R9 R10 R34 R35 D7 C61 C73 C74 VBAT VBAT 1 2 3 VCC2 D3 R4 L1 Q1 P1 1 2 1 2 DC JACK R21 R11 1 2 T 5 6 U1B 4 3 2 11 1 U1A ...

Page 50: ...sionnistes Bp 58416 Villepinte 95944 Roissy Ch De Gaulle Cedex General Frequency Range 460 to 470MHz Number of Channels 16CH PLL Channel Stepping 6 25kHz 5kHz Modulation Wide Narrow 16K0F3E 11K00F3E RF Output Power High Low 1 5W 500mW Operating Voltage 3 8V DC 3 4 4 2V Battery Life 5 5 90 Duty Cycle Up to 14 hours at KNB 46L high power Operating Temperature Range 10 C to 60 C 14 F to 140 F Frequen...

Page 51: ... R3 R5 R8 C440 R4 C20 C21 C32 C41 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 R435 R444 R445 R469 R482 D3 C455 Q303 R100 R302 R304 R306 R307 R308 R309 R310 R311 L7 R321 R324 R325 R327 R329 L13 L14 C101 R333 R335 R338 C304 R340 R342 C307 C308 R346 C310 C311 C312 C320 C322 C323 VR300 C327 R363 C328 R26 C330 C332 C333 R30 C336 R43 R44 D300 D303 IC100 1 4 5 8 L411 L412 X1 C17 R471 Q101 B C E E Q103 G G D S D Q104 L101 R114 L...

Page 52: ...307 D308 Q408 L401 L402 L403 L406 L407 L217 L410 R434 R406 R407 R441 F300 C444 C445 C446 C448 C460 R413 R414 R428 R429 C211 R442 R443 X400 C417 C422 C423 C431 R472 C437 R475 C443 R336 C331 C341 C364 Q403 L404 L405 C426 L301 MIC300 R343 C351 C354 IC303 1 4 5 8 R351 R357 PTT MIC IM PTT C349 C360 TXD TXD SPG AFO SPK LCD R347 Q401 ANT Q402 D400 Q400 3C MENU MON CALL 3T LV RSSI BUSY 3M BATT INT SP INT ...

Page 53: ...D 5 SDA 6 SCL 7 WP 8 VCC C331 0 047u R433 47k C213 470p C414 0 1u C30 0 01u D3 MA2S111 F R9 56k C17 100p C123 27p C247 C236 24p L214 27n L106 2 2n R128 0 C125 5p C128 27p C252 47p R460 47k C50 3p C51 3p C52 5p C53 8p C54 5p L13 12n L14 12n R40 10k C437 0 01u C440 100p C55 100p C359 100p C57 100p C58 100p C360 100p C136 1u C442 100p L403 L404 L405 C138 0 1u C137 0 01u C361 100p R131 470 R133 0 L15 ...

Page 54: ...tor D304 GN1G Fuse F300 F53 0324 05 2 5A Voltage Regurator Switch Switch Switch IC404 BH30FB1WG 3CC 3TC 3RC Q405 KRA305E Q404 KRA305E Q406 KRA305E 3R 3T 3C SB 3M Voltage Detector Voltage Detector BATL RESET Switch Switch Switch SB BACKLT LED D400 B30 2143 05 D401 B30 2278 05 Q400 DTC114EE Q401 DTC114EE Q402 DTC114EE IC400 XC61CN2902N IC401 XC61CN2802N SB BAT CALL PTT MENU UP DOWN EEPROM 3M EEPCLK ...
