3.2.4 Remove the front case from the chassis
(1) Remove two screws <1>.
(2) Lift the base of the chassis and remove the chassis from
the front case.
• There is a void seal stuck to the chassis and the front
case, the void sheet peels off of when the chassis is re-
moved from the case. Once the void seal is peeled off,
it cannot be used again.
• When the chassis does not remove from the front
case, remove by pushing in the key top with the finger.
• Regarding VOID, confirm the service policy of the NX-
5300 to KENWOOD (or authorized distributor).
3.2.5 Remove the holder ASSY from the chassis
(1) Remove the two hooks on the holder ASSY from the chas-
sis. <1>
(2) Rotate the holder ASSY to the right as shown in the figure.
3.2.6 Removing the LCD shielding case from the Main unit
(1) Remove the LCD FPC from the connector (CN9). <1>
(2) Remove the six screws. <2>
(3) Remove the VOL/SEL/MIC FPC from the two holes of the
LCD shielding case. <3>
(4) Remove the LCD shielding case from the Main unit. <4>
3.2.7 Removing the Main unit from the chassis
(1) Remove the VOL/SEL/MIC FPC from the connector (CN4).
(2) Remove the PTT FPC from the connector (CN8). <2>
(3) Remove the Universal connector FPC from the connector
(CN12). <3>
VOID seal
Holder Assy