Fig. 2
@ V O L T S / D S V Control
Vertical attenuator for channel 1 . Provides step adjust-
vertical sensitivity in 1-2-5 sequence. V A R I -
A B L E control is turned to the C A L position, the
calibrated vertical sensitivity is obtained. For X - Y
operation, this control serves as the attenuator for
Y axis.
@ V A R I A B L E / P U L L X 5 G A I N Controls
V A R I A B L E :
Rotation provides fine control of C H 1 vertical sensi-
tivity. In the fully clockwise ( C A L ) position, the
vertical attenuator is calibrated. F o r X - Y operation,
this control serves for X-axis attenuation fine adjust-
P U L L X 5 G A I N :
When pulled out, the V O L T S / D I V setting is multiplied
by five, and for X - Y operation, the X-axis sensitivity
is multiplied accordingly. In X 5 G A I N mode, increas-
ed vertical gain makes the trace thiker.
@ y
Rotation adjusts vertical position of C H 1 waveform on
the screen. F o r X - Y operation, this control adjusts Y
axis position.
In memory scope operation, the control provides D C
O F F S E T adjustment of C H 1 , superimposing the D C
level over input signal.
Clockwise rotation of the control adds +DC level to the
G N D level. Counterclockwise rotation adds - D C level
to the G N D level.
@ y M E M O R Y POSITION Control
Adjusts the vertical position of the stored waveform.
With selection of the S A M P L I N G C L O C K A Control,
this control adjusts the vertical position of the stored
waveform. F o r memory operation in X - Y mode, the
control adjusts Y - a x i s position.
N O T E :
T h i s control has no effect on M E M O R Y O U T A @ jack.
@ INPUT Jack
Receives C H 2 vertical input, or X - a x i s input in X - Y
© A C - G N D - D C Switch
Selects the coupling of channel 2 vertical input signal.
In X - Y operation, the switch provides input selection
of X-axis and performs the same function as A C - G N D -
D C ® for C H 1 .
@ V O L T S / D I V Control
Vertical attenuator for C H 2 . Provides the same func-
tion as V O L T S / D I V Control © for C H 1 . In X - Y
operation, the control serves as the X - a x i s attenuator.
@ V A R I A B L E / P U L L X 5 G A I N Control
Provides the fine control of the vertical attenuation for
C H 2 and increases the vertical sensitivity. T h e control
performs the same function as V A R I A B L E / P U L L X 5
G A I N Control ( R ) for C H 1 . In X - Y operation, the
control provides the fine adjustment of the X-axis
attenuation and increases the X-axis sensitivity.