The digital memory scope MS-1660 consists of a DC-20MHz
bandwidth, dual-trace oscilloscope with a built-in digital
memory. T h e memory features a capacity of 8 bits x 2 0 4 8
words per channel and a maximum write speed of 1
word. T h e unit provides the ability to store and reproduce
sporadic, transient and repetitive events, and rear the
stored signals out to a pen recorder, through simple opera-
The contents of the memory can be read out or written
via G P - I B so that external data can be monitored on the
C R T screen by storing the data in the memory. Since an
independent sampling clock is provided for each
channel, separate signals can be stored with separate
clocks at the same time, and the same signals can be
stored at a low speed and a high speed at the same time.
A single trace can be used as 4 K words.
1. For each trace, a memory space of 2k words is pro-
vided. T h e unit has two independent semiconductor
memories of 8 bits x 2 0 4 8 words each.
2 . Dual channel
Input consists of two events at a time, each allotted
an independent memory space. Maximum write speed
is 1 jus/word.
3. Dual clock
T w o completely independent sampling clocks are pro-
vided to allow simultaneous storage of two totally
unrelated signals. A l s o , the same signal can be stored
at low speed and high speed (equivalent of partial
magnification) at the same time.
4. Minus delay function
The unit is capable of storing the signals produced
before a trigger pulse, which are not observable on
The data after the delay set point can be observed on
the other channel, by magnification or contraction.
T h e delay set point is continuously variable with cursor
5. Hard copy
The pen recorder provided can be used to produce the
hard copy of the displayed waveform from memory.
In addition, pen free run function is provided for auto-
matic repetition of signal storage and corresponding
hard copy reproduction.
6. T w o storage modes are selectable. T h e refresh mode
initiates writing with a trigger signal. In the pretrigger
mode, the termination of writing is controlled with a
trigger signal, in either mode, the waveform following
the cursor point can be viewed in magnified or contract-
ed form in the other channel.
7. Free run function for automatic repetition of read/write
Once written, the signals are held in a read state for up
to 20 sec, then enter a writable state in which the
signals wait for a trigger signal. T h i s cycle is repeated
8. Memory backup function
Signals stored remain unchanged in the memory even
after turning power off. T h u s waveforms may be ana-
lyzed at any time on later days.
9. With the G P - I B interface, the data within in memory can
be sent out, and external data can be written in the
memory for display on the screen.
10. Line synchronization facilitates the observation and
storage of the signals that are triggered w i t h the line
1 1 . B y setting the mode to X - Y , the unit changes to an X - Y
oscilloscope with a one-button operation.
12. A rectangular, large sized C R T w i t h wider display
area provides full-screen signal observation.
13. T h e vertical axis provides a high sensitivity of 1 m V / d i v ,
plus a wide band range from 5 m V / d i v to a desired set-
14. T h e unit is capable of high-speed sweep of 20ns/div.
15. A 150mm rectangular C R T w i t h internal graticule
(domed mesh type, post-acceleration w i t h 6 k V acceler-
ation voltage) provides easy waveform observation
w i t h o u t parallax.
16. The 0, 10, 9 0 , and 100% marks on the screen provides
easy measurement of rise time.
17. T h e angle of horizontal trace can be easily corrected
with trace rotation controls on the front panel.
18. T h e scale illumination facilitates measurement in a
dark place, and also enables photographic recording
of the on-screen waveform.
19. With the automatic free run function, the trace can be
checked while no signal is fed.
20. C H 1 O U T P U T terminals are provided to monitor the
input signals on the C H 1 .