Page 2: ...Fuse To avoid fire hazard use a fuse of the correct type Do not Operate in Explosive Atmospheres To avoid explosion do not operate this product in an ex plosive atmosphere Do not Remove Cover or Panel To avoid personal injury do not remove the cover or panel Refer servicing to qualified personnel Voltage Conversion If the power source is not applied to your product contact your dealer To avoid ele...
Page 3: ...age and corresponding hard copy reproduction 6 Two storage modes are selectable The refresh mode initiates writing with a trigger signal In the pretrigger mode the termination of writing is controlled with a trigger signal in either mode the waveform following the cursor point can be viewed in magnified or contract ed form in the other channel 7 Free run function for automatic repetition of read w...
Page 4: ...thin 3 d B X Y phase difference Less than 3 at 100 kHz Maximum allowable input voltage Same as vertical axis CH2 SWEEP Sweep N O R M Trigger sweep A U T O Automatic free run function while signals are not fed Sweep time 0 2 jus div to 0 5 s div 3 in 1 2 5 sequence with in 20 ranges fine adjustment be tween 20 ranges Sweep magnification X10 5 Linearity 3 0 2 jus div 5 with X10 magnification TRIGGER...
Page 5: ...aneously dis played in other channel Cursor setting Cursor is continuously movable within addresses between 2 and 2000 words Shifting resolution 1 word speed variable in 2 steps DATA OUTPUT D A converter 8 bit resolution Output level M E M O R Y O U T 1 6Vp p 3 relative to input full scale FOR P E N 2 0Vp p 3 relative to input full scale Over 1 k 2 load Output impedance M E M O R Y O U T Approx 22...
Page 6: ... surrounding facilities and equipment do not produce intense mechanical vibration magnetic force or impulse voltage 3 Never apply more than the maximum rated voltage to the oscilloscope input jacks C H 1 CH2 input jacks 500Vp p or 250V DC ACpeak A E X T T R I G Z A X I S input jacks 50V DC ACpeak Never apply external voltage to the oscilloscope output terminals 4 When desiring to retain the stored...
Page 7: ...he trace for optimum focus INTENSITY ASTIG Control I N T E N S I T Y Adjusts the trace intensity A S T I G Astigmatism adjustment provides optimum spot roundness when used in conjunction with FOCUS control INPUT Jack Vertical input for channel 1 trace in normal sweep operation Vertical input for X Y operation AC GND DC Switch Three position switch which operates as follows A C Input signal is capa...
Page 8: ... signal Clockwise rotation of the control adds DC level to the GND level Counterclockwise rotation adds D C level to the GND level y MEMORY POSITION Control Adjusts the vertical position of the stored waveform With selection of the SAMPLING C L O C K A Control this control adjusts the vertical position of the stored waveform For memory operation in X Y mode the control adjusts Y axis position NOTE...
Page 9: ... operation a different display is produced according to the selection of N O R M D E L A Y selector N O R M The screen displays the waveform which is stored with SAMPLING C L O C K B as the i algebraic sum of CH1 and CH2 signals or as the difference between CH1 and CH2 signals when CH2 INV is selected D E L A Y The screen provides a dual trace display the wave forms which are stored with SAMPL ING...
Page 10: ...mode A U T O Triggered sweep operation Even without a trigger signal the unit performs free run showing a trace NORM Normal triggered sweep operation No trace will be presented when a proper trigger signal is absent While the stored waveform is displayed on the screen only the stored waveform is displayed on the screen without performing the NORM operation 28 SWEEP TIME DIV Control Selects the swe...
Page 11: ...rted by a trigger signal or manually by the push of W R I T E PEN S T A R T 37 and continues until 2048 words have been written The data after the cursor point delay setting point are transfer red to the other channel according to the sampling clock of that channel these data are written by 2048 words into the memory allocated to that channel After completion of writing for both channels the unit ...
Page 12: ...to the F R E E R U N mode while the memory con tents are fed out to the F O R PEN A B jacks with PEN S T A R T button in the P E N mode So do not change the setting of this switch during output operation F R E E Z E button Freezes i e suspends the write the into memory Pressing the A side stops the write operation on the memory which is controlled by SAMPLING C L O C K A 31 with the result that th...
Page 13: ...D I S P L A Y T I M E button is O F F In the event of an unwanted stop of write operation the stop can be cancelled by simply pushing an then pulling the P U L L D I S P L A Y T I M E button 40 PEN SPEED Selector With PEN SCOPE selector set to the PEN position this switch becomes effective to select a read speed of the PEN output in 3 steps 10 20 and 50 ms word GP IB LEDs The four LEDs indicate th...
Page 14: ... and the data stored by using the S A M P L I N G C L O C K B is fed to the B connector These connectors are only effective in PEN mode NOTE It is impossible to set a PEN S P E E D value and O N O F F state for either jack independently of the other 47 R E A D GATE OUT Jack The positive pulse corresponding to the one word of the last address in the memory is fed to this connector The output signal...
Page 15: ...r side If any of these three is on the upper side memory backup when the power is off cannot be made 53 FAN Exhausts air to carry the heat out of the case S Cord Wrap The power cord is wrapped here when the unit is transported or kept in storage The cord wraps also serve as the feet 55 Power Connector The power cord provided is plugged here 56 Voltage Selector Provides a selection of A C line volt...
Page 16: ... opera tions similar to C H 1 When MODE is set to A D D the screen displays the waveform representing the algebraic sum of CH1 CH2 If CH2 INV 2 is then pressed the display changes to the algebraic difference of CH1 CH2 The sensitivity will be the value of V O L T S D I V setting if both channels are set to the same V O L T S D I V setting When MODE 20 is set to D U A L or A L T the sweep alternate...
Page 17: ...tment even if the input signal varies Trigger signal Gate signal C H 1 I n p u t signal of amplifier etc C H 2 O u t p u t signal of amplifier etc 2 Setting of coupling switch A C The trigger signal is capacitively coupled so its DC component is cut giving a stable trigger which is not affected by the DC component With this advantage this position of the coupling switch is conveniently selected fo...
Page 18: ...d 2 MAGNIFIED SWEEP OPERATION Since merely shortening the sweep time to magnify a por tion of the waveform on the screen can result in the desired portion disappearing off the screen such magnified dis play should be performed using the magnified sweep Procedure Using the POSITION control adjust the desired portion of waveform to the center of the C R T Then this control can be pulled out to magni...
Page 19: ...out 20 seconds maintaining the read state the adjustment is variable between approx 1 to 20 seconds PRE TRIG mode This mode provides the P R E T R I G D E L A Y operation which is preculiar to the digital memory scope In this mode write operation is usually started manually by pressing the W R I T E S T A R T button Write operation can also be started repeatedly at regular time intervals by using ...
Page 20: ... C L O C K B or A setting Waveform before trigger W a v e f o r m of C H 1 input signal controlled by S A M P L I N G C L O C K A W a v e f o r m of C H 2 input signal controlled b y S A M P L I N G C L O C K B C H 1 a n d C H 2 input signals are s a m e but S A M P L I N G C L O C K A is set to t w i c e the S A M P L I N G C L O C K B setting S y n t h e s i z e d w a v e f o r m of C H 1 and C ...
Page 21: ...play on the monitor The inter face with GP IB conforms with I E E E Std 4 8 8 1 9 7 8 1 Connector 1 Connector Use the 24 pin cable designed specifically for connection to the GP IB connector The illustration below shows the pin numbers and signals as viewed from the rear panel 2 Connector pin configuration Signal Signal Signal Signal Pin No Name Pin No Name 1 D I O 1 13 D I O 5 2 D I O 2 1 4 D I 0...
Page 22: ...ps 1 Check to be sure that the W R I T E LEDs are off and the R E A D L E D is on 2 Set MODE to a position other than X Y 3 Set SAMPLING C L O C K B to GP IB NOTE The local mode is restored simply by turning SAMPLING C L O C K B off the GP IB position unless the MS 1660 is in local lockout state 7 Address switch A D D R E S S switch 52 on rear panel has eight bit posi tions but only uses the low o...
Page 23: ...veform to be measured to the center vertical gra duation line of the graticule scale 5 Measure the vertical distance from the reference level to the point to be measured The reference level can be rechecked by momentarily returning the AC GND DC switch again to GND Multiply the distance measured above by the V O L T S DIV setting to gain the voltage to be determined When the probe is used also mul...
Page 24: ...by 4 4 divisions vertically Let the V O L T S D I V set ting be 0 2V div and the probe attenuation be 10 1 Voltage between two points 4 4 div x 0 2 V x 10 8 8V ELIMINATION OF UNDESIRED SIGNAL COMPONENTS The A D D feature can be conveniently used to cancel out the effect of an undesired signal component Procedure 1 Apply the signal containing an undesired component to the channel 1 INPUT jack and t...
Page 25: ...een the two points Multiply this by the setting of the SWEEP T I M E D I V control If horizontal x 10 M A G is used multiply this further by 1 10 Time Horizontal distance div x SWEEP T I M E D I V set ting x x 10 M A G value 1 1 10 EXAMPLE For the example shown in Fig 17 the horizontal distance between the two points is 5 4 divisions If the SWEEP T I M E D I V is 0 2 ms div then Time 5 4 div x 0 2...
Page 26: ...ortion PULSE WIDTH MEASUREMENTS Pulse width can be measured as follows Procedure 1 Apply the pulse signal to INPUT jack and select the ver tical MODE switch to the channel to be used 2 Use V O L T S D I V V A R I A B L E and POSITION con trols to adjust the waveform such that the pulse is easily observed and such that the center horizontal graticule on the screen is at the middle of the pulse ampl...
Page 27: ...line to the point that crosses horizontal centerline Let this distance be D 2 The total horizontal distance is then D x plus D 2 Multi ply the total distance by the SWEEP T I M E D I V setting and the reciprocal of x 10 M A G setting Risetime D 1 D 2 div x SWEEP T I M E D I V setting x x 10 M A G value 1 1 10 E X A M P L E For the example shown in Fig 22 the measured DA is 1 8 divisions while D 2 ...
Page 28: ...presents 45 360 8 div So the sweep coefficient is given as a multiple of the angle 45 div 4 Measure the horizontal distance between the correspond ing points on the two waveforms and multiply the sweep coefficient 45 div EXAMPLE For the example shown in Fig 24 the horizontal distance is 1 7 div which gives Phase difference 1 7 div x 45 div 76 5 The above setup allows 45 per division but if more ac...
Page 29: ...icient Voltage of reference signal V Vertical amplitude div x V O L T S D I V setting 3 Remove the reference signal and apply the unknown signal to INPUT jack Set the V O L T S D I V control to for eacy observation Measure the amplitude of the dis played waveform and use the following relationship to calculate the voltage of the unknown waveform Amplitude of unknown signal V Vertical distance div ...
Page 30: ...own signal was then measured If the SWEEP T I M E D I V setting was 0 2 ms and the distance is 7 div then Pulse width 7 div x 1 142x0 2 ms 1 6 ms X Y OPERATION P H A S E MEASUREMENT Phase measurements may be made with X Y operation Typical applications include the circuits designed to pro duce a certain phase shift and the measurement of phase shift distortion in audio amplifiers Distortion of amp...
Page 31: ...pe and set the MODE selector to X Y 2 Connect the C H 1 probe to the unknown frequency 3 Adjust the channel 1 and 2 gains 4 The resulting Lissjous pattern shows the ratio between the two frequencies S i n e 0 A R a t i o of u n k n o w n to standard No a m p l i t u d e distor t i o n no phase shift A m p l i t u d e d i s t o r t i o n phase shifted No a m p l i t u d e distor t i o n 180 phase s...
Page 32: ...E O F F Trigger p o i n t Controlled b y S A M P L I N G C L O C K A 5 jus word 2048W Trigger p o i n t cursor p o i n t W a v e f o r m of C H i n p u t signal C o n t r o l l e d b y S A M P L I N G C L O C K A 1 0 jus word C o n t r o l l e d b y S A M P L I N G C L O C K B 5 jus word 2 Magnifying a part of waveform using the dual clock function 1 When the portion following the trigger point is...
Page 33: ...ve the portion following the trigger point D I S P L A Y T I M E R E F R E S H N O R M MODE D U A L P U L L D I S P L A Y T I M E ON 2 0 4 8 W Trigger p o i n t W a v e f o r m of C H 1 input signal Controlled b y S A M P L I N G C L O C K A 5 0 jus word W a v e f o r m of C H 2 i n p u t signal Controlled b y S A M P L I N G C L O C K B 5 0 jus word 2 To observe the portion around the trigger poi...
Page 34: ... 2 5 0 V T i m e lag 6 x 3 0 m m None U K 2 4 0 v o l t 5 0 H z R a t e d 13 a m p 0 5 A 2 5 0 V T i m e lag 6 x 3 0 m m 0 5 A T y p e C Australian 2 4 0 v o l t 5 0 Hz R a t e d 1 0 a m p 0 5 A 2 5 0 V T i m e lag 6 x 3 0 m m None N o r t h A m e r i c a n 2 4 0 v o l t 6 0 Hz R a t e d 1 5 a m p 1 2 a m p m a x N E C 0 5 A 2 5 0 V T i m e lag 6 x 3 0 m m None S w i t z e r l a n d 2 4 0 v o l t ...
Page 35: ...MEMO 35 ...
Page 36: ...A product of TRIO KENWOOD CORPORATION 17 5 2 chome Shibuya Shibuya ku Tokyo 150 Japan 65704 PRINTED IN J A P A N B50 7559 10 N ...