— 19 —
Disc changer control features
(See page 7)
Blank Sk ip Funct ion
Automatically fast forw ards to the beginning of the next track
w hen long blank spaces (10 seconds or more) are detected,
continuing tape playback.
Turning Blank Skip Function On/ Off:
Press the B.S button to sw itch the blank skip function on and
The B.S indicator lights up w hen the blank skip function is
turned on.
If the blank space contains much noise, the blank skip function
may not w ork right.
Sections recorded at low levels may trigger the blank skip func-
tion if they last for 10 seconds or more.
M usic Repeat Funct ion
Repeatedly plays the current track.
Turning M usic Repeat Function On/ Off:
Press the REP button to sw itch the music repeat function on
and off.
The REP indicator lights up w hen the music repeat function is
turned on.
Cancelling M usic Repeat Function:
Press either the REP or
2 3
The music repeat function "know s" w here a track begins by
detecting the blank space preceding it (i.e., the space betw een
tracks). How ever, w hen the blank space lasts for less than 4 sec-
onds or contains noise, this function may not operate correctly.
Furthermore, sections recorded at low levels may trigger the
function if they last for 4 seconds or more.
Playing Discs:
Press the CD• M D button.
The disc indicator lights up during disc changer mode.
When one disc has finished playing its last track, the next disc
on the changer starts playing. When the last disc in the chang-
er has finished, the player returns to the first disc and starts
playing it.
Disc #10 is displayed as "0".
Pausing and Restarting Disc Play:
Press the
button to make the disc pause.
Press the same button again to start play again.
Playing D iscs U sing D isc Changer
Sw it ching D isplay f or D iscs
Sw itch the display that appears w hilst discs are playing.
Sw itching Display for Discs:
Each time you press the DISP button, the display during disc
play sw itches as follow s.
Track time
Disc name
Disc title (M D only)
Track title (M D only)
You can give names to discs through the presetting disc name
function (see p. 23).
If you try to display the name of a disc that does not have one,
"NO NAM E" is displayed instead.
When the disc changer w ith the old/ new selection sw itch is
connected, set the sw itch to "O " (old) position to operate the
disc changer mode.