The table below contains general guidelines on the storage of food in the
refrigerator (wherever applicable).
Refrigerator location
Type of food
Fridge door
• Foods with natural preservatives, such as
jams, juices, drinks, condiments.
• Do not store perishable foods.
Crisper bin (salad bin)
• Fruits, herbs and vegetables should be
placed separately in the crisper bin.
• Do not store bananas, onions, potatoes,
garlic in the refrigerator.
• Fridge shelf – bottom
• Chiller bin
Raw meat, poultry, fish (for short-term
Fridge shelf – middle
Dairy products, eggs
Fridge shelf – top
Foods that do not need cooking, such as
ready-to-eat foods, deli meats, leftovers.
Freezer drawer/shelf
• Foods for long-term storage.
• Bottom drawer/shelf for raw meat,
poultry, fish.
• Middle drawer/shelf for frozen vegetables,
• Top drawer/shelf for ice cream, frozen
fruit, frozen baked goods.
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