The Unique ID indicated in the [minutes] section is the target
Unique ID of the current procedure for writing the ID. The
Unique ID in the [seconds] section indicates the next Unique
ID that is to replace the current Unique ID. The digit numbers
of the Unique ID will be displayed in the Track Number section
Unique ID digit number :
The digit numbers of the Unique ID are numbered 1, 2, 3,....
from the left side of the Unique ID.
The contents indicated by T-xx in the track number section are
the digit number of the Unique ID displayed currently in
The first digit is the digit number of the Unique ID, which is
currently worked upon and displayed in the [minute] section of
the time code. The second digit is the next digit number of the
Unique ID, which is indicated in the [seconds] section of the
time code. The values of the T-xx will be changed as the target
of the changed Unique ID is moved in the following manner :
T-45 .....
... The value
in the higher digit (i.e. “1” of T-12, for example) is the current
target for change in the Unique ID.
After the Unique ID has been changed in all of its digits and as
the writing takes place, the progress condition of writing is
indicated in the
The display contents are;
T-99 : Unique ID writing in progress.
T-11 : Unique ID Writing complete (success)
T-22 : Unique ID Writing complete (failure)
Procedure 5. Changing Unique ID write contents
Using Track Up/Down Key, Unique ID contents
is changed
(In this unit, CONTROL Key is pushed to the left
or right.)
Using FF/FR Key, Unique ID digit to be worked
upon is changed.
(In this unit, the CONTROL Key is pushed 1 sec-
ond or more to the left or right)
Procedure 6. Final write contents is determined and written to
the mechanism.
Using Pause key, the ID is written. (In this unit,
the center section of the CONTROL Key is to be
Procedure 7. 63pin of the mechanism microcomputer
(TMP91CU27) is set back to Low.
(Connection lead is removed.)
Procedure 8. Reset the mechanism microcomputer, and start
it up.
(Resetting the mechanism microcomputer and
booting it up again can be achieved by cutting
off ACC and Back Up power supply once and
then re-starting the unit.)
Procedure 9. Insert a Compact Disc (CD) and select CD as
the source. This determines the type of media to
be played. Then, select from the MENU of the
unit “ACD Unique ID.” This is done to confirm on
the write content of the Unique ID.
When re-doing the procedure, start from Procedure 1 again.
3.2. How to change the Unique ID write content: Explana-
tion on the Procedures 5-6.
When shifting to the Unique ID Write mode, the display will be
as shown in Figure 1. This is the beginning of writing. At this
point, as has been indicated above, the digit for 10's in the T-
xx is the Unique ID digit which is subject for change and its
contents is shown in the [minutes] section of the time code.
Then, actual change procedure is as follows :
The table below shows the keys to be used.
Track Up key Push the
Unique ID c1 of
digit which is currently
to left
subject to change.
Track Down
Push the
Unique ID contents -1 of
digit which is currently
to right
subject to change.
FF key
Push the
Digit subject to 1
to left for more
than 1 second.
FR key
Push the
Digit subject to change -1
to right for more
than 1 second
Pause key
Push the
Writing Unique ID
at center
Table1. Key to be used in Unique ID Writing mode
3.3. Example of the case of ID to be written is “94850ED2”
(Example1). Subject digit of the Unique ID to be c1
The subject digit is 3, 3 digit Unique ID is 08 (hexadecimal :
8), the value +1 is 09 (hexadecimal : 9).