RDS function
Market model
AF search
Can be switched on and off.
Fixed to on.
· Default: On
· AF search cannot be disabled.
· With the auto memory function, only RDS stations can
be set in the memory for the FM band.
AUTO TP search
Can be switched on and off.
Fixed to off.
· Default: On
· Even when TI is turned on, if the station currently
tuned in is not a TP station, it is never interrupted for
traffic announcements.
Auto antenna
No auto antenna control for the E type.
Auto antenna control is conducted.
· Even when set to another source, if an FM station is
tuned in in the background, the auto antenna output
is turned on.
UP/DOWN key versions
The UP/DOWN key operation is set with the menu.
When pressed normally: 1 step up/down
When pressed and held in: Auto seek
· No continuous manual up/down
· No AUTO 2
No preset scan function
SUBARU GENUINE model preset scan is conducted.
· Tuning switches up to the next preset channel every
10 seconds. Once all the channels have been
scanned once, preset scan does not stop but
continues in the same band.
Source switching during
TI and alarm interruption
TI, news and alarm interruptions
If the source is switched during an interruption,
If the source is switched during an interruption,
the source to which the unit returns after the
the interruption is suspended and to which
interruption changes, but the interruption
the unit has been the source switched is played.
continues. If the source is set to all off,
This suspension of the interruption is canceled
all off is set after the interruption is finished.
under the following conditions:
(1) When the interruption broadcast
(TA ON or PTY = 1 or PTY = 31) ends.
(2) When RDS data could not be received for
15 seconds.
(3) When the power is turned off/on, ACC is
turned off/on or there is an instantaneous
power failure.
(4) If the TI interruption function is turned
off/on with the TI key while the TI interruption
is suspended.
(5) If the news interruption function is turned
off/on with the NEWS key while the news
interruption is suspended.
(6) When TEL MUTE is turned on/off.
(7) When the band or the frequency is switched
(included preset call) while interruption is
suspended on the FM band.
However, if the station is switched with AF
search, suspension continues.
News interruption
News interruption disable time
If the source is switched during an interruption,
The news interruption disable time cannot
the interruption is suspended, and after the
be set.
disable time the unit interrupts if PTY = 1.
If the disable time is set to 0 minutes,
the unit re-interrupts after 10 seconds.
TEL MUTE during interruption
TEL MUTE during interruption
(for TI, news and alarm interruptions)
(for TI, news and alarm interruptions)
When TEL MUTE is generated, the interruption
The operation during TEL MUTE is the same
is suspended and the unit returns to the
as for the market model.
source prior to the interruption once TEL MUTE
is canceled, but if the broadcast is still on,
a new interruption is generated.
Differences in the RDS function between the overseas market model and the SUBARU GENUINE model