P: 800-4-Kenall F: 262-891-9701 10200 55
Street Kenosha, WI 53144
When you see this image, you will know the Kenall product shown or described is designed and manufactured in the USA with components purchased from US suppliers, and meets the Buy
American requirements under the ARRA. Kenall has not determined the origin of its domestically purchased components or the subcomponents thereof. May be covered by patents found at
www.kenall.com/patents. Content of speciation sheets is subject to change; please consult www.kenall.com for current product details. © 2015 Kenall Mfg. Co. All rights reserved.
User Initiated Tests
A single momentary actuation of the laser-activated photodetector or the
manual test pushbutton will initiate a one-minute test. The normally off
emergency lamps will come on and the status LED will display single green
flashes, signaling a test is in progress.
Within the first 5 seconds, pressing the manual test pushbutton twice will
change the test duration to 30 minutes, three times for 60 minutes, or four
times for 90 minutes.
Actuating the photodetector or the manual test pushbutton after the first 5
seconds will cancel any user initiated test.
Automatic Tests
Automatic tests meet or exceed requirements of NFPA 101 Life Safety
Code, Section 4.6, Article 7.9.3:
Monthly Test 30 minute cycle every 30 days.
These tests allow the self-diagnostic circuit to monitor battery discharge and power transfer functions and exercise the
battery to optimize its capacity. The status LED will display single green flashes, signaling a test is in progress. Automatic
tests can be delayed 12 hours by actuating the laser-activated photodetector or the manual test pushbutton once during an
automatic test.
When the AC voltage drops below a predetermined level either due to a power failure or a brownout condition, the unit will
switch to emergency operation. The status LED will turn off, signaling normal AC power is not present. Unit will remain in
emergency operation for 10 minutes after resumption of normal AC power to allow normal power supply to stabilize.
Upon resumption of normal operation there will be a 90 minute time delay before a full charge is applied to the battery to
allow the unit to reach normal operating temperature (CEL option). During full charge the status LED will display two green
flashes. The charger will return a depleted battery to full capacity within 24 hours. When the battery has reached full capacity,
maintenance (trickle) charging begins and the status LED will display steady green.
In the event of a prolonged power outage, the battery is protected from deep
discharge by a low voltage disconnect circuit
Status Indicator
A single dual-color status/fault LED is provided to allow monitoring of the circuit
The battery condition is constantly monitored during normal operation, tests and
charge cycles. A malfunctioning or end-of-life battery will terminate any charge or
test and return the unit to normal operation. The status indicator will display steady
LED Exit Lamps
The LED lamp condition is constantly monitored during normal operation and test
cycles. A variation of more than 50% of nominal load current will cause the status indicator to display single red
Remote LED Exit Lamps (if equipped)
The LED lamp condition is constantly monitored during normal operation and test cycles. A variation of more
than 50% of nominal load current will cause the status indicator to display two red flashes.
The charger function is constantly monitored during battery charging. A charger malfunction will terminate the
charge and return the unit to normal operation. The status indicator will display three red flashes.
The normal-to-emergency and emergency-to-normal power transfer functions are monitored at the beginning and end of each
test cycle. A transfer circuit malfunction will cause the status indicator to display four red flashes.
For technical assistance, call 1-800-4KENALL (1-800-453-6255).
This product is warranted by Kenall to be free of defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year from the date of the invoice. LED
lamps and internal power regulation components are warranted for a period of five (5) years from the date of the invoice against defects in materials and
workmanship. The external DC power supply carries a three year warranty from the date of the invoice.
The warranty is void if all power and dimming signal wiring is not completely shielded against grounded aluminum conduit and installed with a suitable
MRI room filter (by others).
Kenall reserves the right to issue credit, repair, or replace the defective merchandise, at its discretion, upon notification and confirmation by its local
representative of the defect. Kenall also reserves the right to test and examine the defective product if the defect is questionable and to deny the
warranty herein for any product altered, improperly installed, installed in applications for which it is not intended. This includes operation in ambient
temperatures above stated limits for any length of time. Failure by electrical surge shall not be covered under warranty.
Kenall assumes no responsibility for labor or freight costs incurred in connection with the installation, removal, or replacement of products determined to
be defective or any other consequential or incidental damages arising from the use of the product. Kenall’s entire liability on any claim of loss or damage